viernes, 10 de julio de 2020

An intriguing—but far from proven—HIV cure in the ‘São Paulo Patient’ | Science | AAAS

An intriguing—but far from proven—HIV cure in the ‘São Paulo Patient’ | Science | AAAS

“Remarkable” HIV treatment sparks hope

A man referred to as the São Paulo Patient has been free of HIV for 66 weeks, following an aggressive course of antiretroviral drugs and nicotinamide (vitamin B3). Five people received the treatment in a trial, and he was the only one whose HIV didn’t return after treatment stopped. Two other people have been cleared of HIV — both through bone-marrow transplants that they needed as part of their cancer treatment. The São Paulo Patient did not require a transplant. Other hopeful examples of people, including babies, who have appeared to become free of HIV have seen the virus return after prolonged absences.
Science | 6 min read

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