Save the Date for EHC Round Table on Mild and Moderate Haemophilia
Date and Time: Monday 30 November, from 13.30 till 17.45 hrs
Venue: European Parliament, Brussels, Belgium
Topic: Mild and Moderate Haemophilia
To register: Email Laura Savini
About the Round Table
The European Haemophilia Consortium (EHC) will hold its 26th Round Table of Stakeholders on ‘Mild and Moderate Haemophilia’ on Monday 30 November 2015 from 14.30 till 17.30 hrs. The event will be co-hosted by Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) Dr Cristian Bușoi (Romania/ EPP) and Mrs Mady Delvaux (Luxembourg/ S&D).
Haemophilia is a rare bleeding disorder occurring in approximately one in 10,000 people for haemophilia A and in one in 50,000 people for haemophilia B. People affected by this condition cannot clot their blood properly, which, if left untreated, causes damage to an individual’s joints and can lead to disability and sometimes death. However haemophilia affects individuals differently depending on its severity. Traditionally haemophilia care and the focus of patients’ organisations’ work has been on the needs of those people affected by severe haemophilia leaving a whole range of patients with mild and moderate forms of haemophilia disconnected from the haemophilia treatment centre and from their patients’ organisation.
Although patients with mild and moderate haemophilia are less at risk of bleeds, thanks to the higher level of clotting factor present in their blood, they still need to receive specialised care during situations that are more likely to lead to a bleed such as trauma and surgery. Furthermore, people with mild and moderate haemophilia are also at risk of developing inhibitors leaving them more vulnerable and potentially leading to disability and death.
This event will cover some of the major challenges faced by people with mild and moderate haemophilia such as diagnosis, access to proper treatment and inhibitor development. We will also look at the specific needs of this patient population such as the safe practice of sports. The event will have a mix of first-hand accounts from patients and presentations from physicians and patient organisations.
A detailed agenda of the event will be circulated soon, in the meantime, please save the date and confirm your presence to Laura Savini.
We look forward to seeing you there!
The EHC team
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