viernes, 8 de mayo de 2015

CDC - Malaria - Chloroquine Shortage

CDC - Malaria - Chloroquine Shortage

Chloroquine Shortage

According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), the antimalarial drug chloroquine is presently not available from U.S. suppliers. Choloroquine is used in both the prevention and treatment of malaria.  Alternatively, hydroxychloroquine sulfate can be prescribed in place of chloroquine when indicated.
Health care providers needing assistance with diagnosis or management of suspected or confirmed cases of malaria should call the CDC Malaria Hotline at 855-856-4713 (M-F, 9am-5pm, Eastern time). For emergency consultation after hours, call 770-488-7100 and request to speak with a CDC Malaria Branch clinician.
This notice will be updated as more information becomes available from the FDA.
For more information about recommended antimalarial drugs by country see, “Malaria Endemic Areas by Country.”
For general information about antimalarial drugs, see “Drugs for Prevention.”

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