Minority Health and Health Disparities
Cancer Health Disparities and Genomics - April 30, 2015
CDC and Related Info
CDC information: Health disparities in cancer
Genomics of racial and ethnic disparities in childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
Lim JY et al. Cancer 2014 Apr 1. (7) 955-62
Lim JY et al. Cancer 2014 Apr 1. (7) 955-62
MAPK genes interact with diet and lifestyle factors to alter risk of breast cancer: the breast cancer health disparities study.
Slattery ML et al. Nutr Cancer 2015 (2) 292-304
Slattery ML et al. Nutr Cancer 2015 (2) 292-304
Genetic counselors' implicit racial attitudes and their relationship to communication.
Schaa KL et al. Health Psychol 2015 Feb (2) 111-9
Schaa KL et al. Health Psychol 2015 Feb (2) 111-9
Association of genetic ancestry with breast cancer in ethnically diverse women from Chicago.
Al-Alem U et al. PLoS ONE 2014 (11) e112916
Al-Alem U et al. PLoS ONE 2014 (11) e112916
Disparities in uptake of BRCA1/2 genetic testing in a randomized trial of telephone counseling.
Butrick M et al. Genet. Med. 2014 Sep 18.
Butrick M et al. Genet. Med. 2014 Sep 18.
Attitudes toward molecular testing for personalized cancer therapy.
Yusuf RA et al. Cancer 2015 Jan 15. (2) 243-50
Yusuf RA et al. Cancer 2015 Jan 15. (2) 243-50
Implementing a screening tool for identifying patients at risk for hereditary breast and ovarian cancer: a statewide initiative.
Brannon TL et al. Ann. Surg. Oncol. 2014 Oct (10) 3342-7
Brannon TL et al. Ann. Surg. Oncol. 2014 Oct (10) 3342-7
Awareness of cancer susceptibility genetic testing: the 2000, 2005, and 2010 National Health Interview Surveys.
Mai PL et al. Am J Prev Med 2014 May (5) 440-8
Mai PL et al. Am J Prev Med 2014 May (5) 440-8
Specific genetic alterations associated with head and neck cancer survival disparities.
Printz C et al. Cancer 2014 Apr 1. (7) 931
Printz C et al. Cancer 2014 Apr 1. (7) 931
What hinders minority ethnic access to cancer genetics services and what may help?
Allford A et al. Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 2014 Jul (7) 866-74
Allford A et al. Eur. J. Hum. Genet. 2014 Jul (7) 866-74
Cost-effectiveness of the 21-gene breast cancer assay in Mexico.
Bargalló-Rocha JE et al. Adv Ther 2015 Mar 5.
Bargalló-Rocha JE et al. Adv Ther 2015 Mar 5.
Concerns about cancer risk and experiences with genetic testing in a diverse population of patients with breast cancer.
Jagsi R et al. J. Clin. Oncol. 2015 Apr 6.
Jagsi R et al. J. Clin. Oncol. 2015 Apr 6.
Health Disparities in Genomic Medicine: Recent Insights - February 13, 2015
Introduction to the special series on health disparities in genomic medicine.
Graves Kristi D et al. Health Psychol 2015 Feb (2) 97-100
Graves Kristi D et al. Health Psychol 2015 Feb (2) 97-100
Self-reported race/ethnicity in the age of genomic research: its potential impact on understanding health disparities.
Mersha Tesfaye B et al. Hum. Genomics 2015 Jan 7. (1) 1
Mersha Tesfaye B et al. Hum. Genomics 2015 Jan 7. (1) 1
Effects of racial and ethnic group and health literacy on responses to genomic risk information in a medically underserved population.
Kaphingst Kimberly A et al. Health Psychol 2015 Feb (2) 101-10
Kaphingst Kimberly A et al. Health Psychol 2015 Feb (2) 101-10
Genetic counselors' implicit racial attitudes and their relationship to communication.
Schaa Kendra L et al. Health Psychol 2015 Feb 34(2) 111-9
Schaa Kendra L et al. Health Psychol 2015 Feb 34(2) 111-9
Translation and validation of a Spanish-language genetic health literacy screening tool.
Rodríguez Sally Ann et al. Health Psychol 2015 Feb (2) 120-9
Rodríguez Sally Ann et al. Health Psychol 2015 Feb (2) 120-9
Health disparities in genomics and genetics.
Spruill Ida J et al. Nurs Res Pract 2014 324327
Spruill Ida J et al. Nurs Res Pract 2014 324327
Personalized medicine, availability, and group disparity: an inquiry into how physicians perceive and rate the elements and barriers of personalized medicine.
Petersen Katelin E et al. Public Health Genomics 2014 (4) 209-20
Petersen Katelin E et al. Public Health Genomics 2014 (4) 209-20
Genomics: Race & Health Disparities - August 21, 2014
Why we can't wait: Genomics and health disparities, CDC blog post (2013)
Why we can't wait: 2014 conference to eliminate health disparities in genomic medicine- the role of policy,
September 4-5, 2014, Washington DC
NHGRI information: Genomics initiatives and resources for minority and special populations
NHGRI information: Genomics initiatives and resources for minority and special populations
Recent commentaries
The American Journal of Public Health Special Issue on Genomics, Social Determinants, Disparities and Public Health
Race and genomics in the Veterans Health Administration.
Julie Lynch et al. Am J Public Health, September 2014
Julie Lynch et al. Am J Public Health, September 2014
Finding a place for genomics in health disparities research.
Fullerton SM, et al Public Health Genomics. 2012;15(3-4):156-63.
Fullerton SM, et al Public Health Genomics. 2012;15(3-4):156-63.
Genome science and health disparities: a growing success story?
Charles Rotimi et al. Genome Medicine (2013)
Charles Rotimi et al. Genome Medicine (2013)
Editorial: Health Disparities in Genomics and Genetics
Ida J. Spruill et al. Nursing Research and Practice, 2014.
Ida J. Spruill et al. Nursing Research and Practice, 2014.
Commentary: The A's, G's, C's, and T's of health disparities.
Edward Ramos et al. BMC Medical Genomics (2009)
Edward Ramos et al. BMC Medical Genomics (2009)
Minority Health: Genomics & Health Disparities - April 24, 2014
CDC information: April is National Minority Health Month
CDC strategies for reducing health disparities — Selected CDC-sponsored interventions, United States, 2014, MMWR (April, 2014)
Why we can't wait: Genomics and health disparities, CDC Blog post (2013)
Why we can't wait: 2014 conference to eliminate health disparities in genomic medicine- the role of policy,
September 4-5, 2014, Washington DC- Abstract submissions open
NHGRI information: Genomics initiatives and resources for minority and special populations
NHGRI information: Genomics initiatives and resources for minority and special populations
Disparities in cancer care,
ASCO University Training
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