Digital Press Kit: CDC looks back at 2013 health challenges, ahead to 2014 health worries
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) sent this bulletin at 12/16/2013 01:24 PM ESTDigital Press Kit
CDC looks back at 2013 health challenges, ahead to 2014 health worries
Top achievements this year, five health threats in 2014
As the year comes to a close, CDC, America's health protection agency, looks back at top five health concerns in 2013 and previews the five health threats that loom for 2014. Of course, CDC's most important achievements in 2013 are the outbreaks that didn't happen, the diseases that were stopped before they crossed our borders, and the lives not lost to preventable chronic diseases and injuries. These cannot be counted.
CDC works 24/7 saving lives and protecting people from health threats. CDC researchers, scientists, doctors, nurses, economists, communicators, educators, technologists, epidemiologists and many other professionals all contribute their expertise to improving public health. Whether diseases start at home or abroad, are chronic or acute, curable or preventable, human error or deliberate attack, CDC increases the health security of our nation.
Click here to view a snapshot of CDC looking back at 2013 health challenges, and ahead to 2014 health worries.
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