information and family health history can improve health and influence policy and practice. We highlight
news and information on the use of genomic tests and other applications, including family health history,
in clinical and public health practice and programs, along with relevant data, policy, and legislation. We hope the update is informative to practitioners, policy makers, consumers, and researchers. Please send
your comments to:
Binning the Human Genome: Reporting Incidental Findings in Clinical Genome Sequencing
- ACMG recommendations for reporting of incidental findings in clinical exome and genome sequencing
[PDF 342.83 KB]
Robert C. Green, Jonathan S. Berg, Wayne W. Grody, et al. ACMG - CDC blog post: On spinning wheels and genomes revealed: Sequencing is no longer a sleeping controversy
paper: Description and pilot results from a novel method for evaluating return of incidental findings from next-generation sequencing technologies
[PDF 656.44 KB]
Katrina A.B. Goddard et al. Genetics in Medicine, Apr 4 - CDC blog post: Can we have our genome and eat it too? One base pair at at time
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