martes, 10 de marzo de 2020

Medical News | Medical Articles: Is it Safe to Exercise During Pregnancy?

Medical News | Medical Articles

News Medical - Medical & Life Sciences
 Pregnancy / Maternal Health 
 The latest pregnancy / maternal health news from News Medical 
 Is it Safe to Exercise During Pregnancy?Is it Safe to Exercise During Pregnancy?
Exercise is often viewed with a doubtful eye during pregnancy, but all the data available so far shows that it has a beneficial effect on a woman with a low-risk pregnancy. Despite these proven benefits, most antenatal patients are not routinely instructed to exercise if they are sedentary, and those who exercise are not encouraged to maintain their routines.
   Vaginal Microbiome and Premature BirthVaginal Microbiome and Premature Birth
The human microbiota, those microorganisms that normally colonize healthy persons, is considered to hold a vital role in immunity, development, physiology, and nutrition. Typically speaking, the microbiota is part of a mutualistic relationship, whereby they fight to defend the body from infection.
   Mothers who smoke, drink alcohol during pregnancy increase risk for SIDS 12-foldMothers who smoke, drink alcohol during pregnancy increase risk for SIDS 12-fold
Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), also called crib death or cot death, is the sudden and unexplained death of an infant less than one-year-old. There is no exact known cause of SIDS, but a recent study shows that mothers who smoked cigarettes and drank alcohol during pregnancy may have babies with a 12-fold increased risk of SIDS.
 Experts think progesterone could prevent 8,500 miscarriages a year
Experts think progesterone could prevent 8,500 miscarriages a yearAccording to two new studies from the University of Birmingham and Tommy's National Centre for Miscarriage Research, women who have bleeding during early pregnancy and who have had earlier miscarriages could benefit from a course of progesterone, with about 8,500 babies being saved each year.
 Having children and breastfeeding lowers risk of premature menopause
Having children and breastfeeding lowers risk of premature menopauseA new study published in the journal JAMA Network Open reports that early menopause is less likely to happen in women who have had one or more pregnancies that went beyond 6 months, and in women who nursed their babies. Exclusive breastfeeding was associated with the lowest risk.
 Research looks at prenatal cannabis use
Research looks at prenatal cannabis useMore and more, pregnant women today are using cannabis, which is mostly for relieving stress and coping with mood changes. However, the risk associated with this for pregnant women who have mental ill-health or trauma is mostly unexplored.
 Vitamin D in pregnancy reduces risk of enamel defects in offspring
Vitamin D in pregnancy reduces risk of enamel defects in offspringAn important randomized trial shows that when vitamin D is supplemented at high doses in the last three months of pregnancy, there is a fall in the occurrence of enamel defects in the deciduous (milk) and permanent teeth of the offspring by half, over the next 6 years, compared to a low dose supplementation. However, the incidence of caries was not affected.
 Prenatal single cell blood test for gene defects
Prenatal single cell blood test for gene defectsWith the current state of knowledge regarding genetic testing, non-invasive prenatal testing (NIPT) is in favor for genetic testing in unborn babies, using fragments of DNA circulating in the mother’s blood.
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