TRICARE Pharmacy copays change February 1, 2016
Military pharmacies and TRICARE Pharmacy Home Delivery will remain the lowest cost pharmacy option for TRICARE beneficiaries when some TRICARE pharmacy copays change in 2016. On Feb 1, 2016, most copays for prescription drugs at Home Delivery and retail network pharmacies will increase slightly. Read More ...
Exercising in cold weather: Some helpful guidelines
People who like to exercise outdoors can become very discouraged during the winter months as freezing temperatures, snow and ice challenge a fitness regimen. Read More ...
Monday Motivational Message: A little something to work with
During this past holiday season, I took advantage of the opportunity to spend time with my 82-year-old grandfather, Mr. Jimmy Jordan of Millington, Tennessee. Although he doesn’t move with the energy he once had, he is still the picture of health. You can't spend five minutes around my grandfather without hearing a comical old-school story or receiving biblical wisdom that can be easily applied to modern-day life. As we sat at the kitchen table, he gave me just the nugget I needed to apply to my health and fitness. He said, "You don't need a whole lot to make it in this world." Read More ...
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