NIAID Funding News, January 20, 2016
January 20, 2016 NIAID Funding News
Read this full issue online at researchfunding/newsletter/ 2016/Pages/0120.aspx
Feature Articles
Hats Off to NIAID Review and Committee Volunteers
As we do every year, we'd like to thank all the volunteers who served on NIAID peer review committees, our advisory Council, or other such groups in FY 2015.
Opportunities and Resources
New Year, New Opportunity for Collaboration
Are you searching for a collaborative opportunity to kick-start your new year of research? If so, NIH has an R01 funding opportunity announcement that may be a perfect fit.
FOA Focus: U01 Application for Collaborative Research at the NIH Clinical Center
The deadline for the U01 funding opportunity announcement is in just a few months on April 11. If you're planning on applying for the U01, here are a few key points to keep in mind.
Propose to Develop Candidate Radiation Medical Countermeasures
NIAID is soliciting proposals to advance the development toward FDA approval or licensure of one lead candidate medical countermeasure or biodosimetry biomarker/device capable of assessing, mitigating, or treating radiation-induced injuries.
Form a Collaborative Team to Study Organ Fibrosis
NIAID’s Radiological and Nuclear Countermeasures Program is now participating in “Collaborative Projects to Accelerate Research in Organ Fibrosis,” an R01 funding opportunity announcement that invites crosscutting molecular, cellular, animal, and/or human studies to better understand, detect, and resolve pathological organ fibrosis.
In The News
Don’t Be Alarmed by New Human Subjects Involvement Code
NIH is using a new human subjects involvement code—Code 35—for institutional training grant applications that include vertebrate animal or human subjects research.
Use the Correct Application Guides for Late Applications and Continuous Submission for FOAs With January 7 Due Date
Did you miss the January 7, 2016 AIDS/AIDS-related application due date? Are you eligible to submit a late application or under continuous submission? What’s the new due date? And which application guides should you use?
News Briefs
- NIH Salary Cap Increased for FY 2016
- NIH to Implement Reproducibility for Fellowship and Training Grants in FY 2017
- Use ASSIST for Single and Multiproject Grant Applications
- Learn About I-Corps From Veterans of the Program
- Save the Date for NIH Regional Seminar
Advice Corner
Where Will Your Application Be Reviewed?
It's worth knowing in advance whether your application will have its initial peer review through NIH's Center for Scientific Review or through one of NIH's institutes or centers.
Reader Questions
- Do I need to complete personal certification for human subjects research?
- Once a grant application is submitted, how will I receive notice that my summary statement is ready?
New Funding Opportunities
- RFP-NIAID-DAIDS-NIHAI2015045, NIAID Clinical Site Monitoring
- PAR-16-081, International Research Ethics Education and Curriculum Development Award
- NOT-TW-16-001, Notice of Information: Parallel Funding Initiative for Collaborative Research Between Investigators in the United States and the State of São Paulo, Brazil
- PA-16-077, NIH Pathway to Independence Award (Parent K99/R00)
- PA-16-066, Administrative Supplements for Research on Sex/Gender Differences
- BAA-NIAID-DAIT-NIHAI2015042, Development of Radiation/Nuclear Medical Countermeasures or Biodosimetry Devices
See other announcements at NIAID Funding Opportunities List.
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NIAID Funding News, January 20, 2016
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