Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases partners publish hypertension findings
January / February 2016 | Volume 15, Issue 1
Photo by David Rochkind for Fogarty
Lifestyle modifications were among the interventions studied by
hypertension researchers funded by the Global Alliance for
Chronic Diseases.
hypertension researchers funded by the Global Alliance for
Chronic Diseases.
Research findings on behavior change strategies to reduce hypertension have been published by a consortium of scientists funded by the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD). The Alliance, a partnership of international research funders, was formed to focus on implementation science that will lessen the burden of chronic diseases in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) and among other vulnerable populations.
Scientists reported there was "marked variation" in the perceived capabilities, opportunities and motivation of the various entities being targeted for behavior change strategies to lower blood pressure (BP). "This suggests that the ability to change behavior differs greatly across regions and between actors," the study team noted in a recent article in the journal, Implementation Science.
Hypertension was the GACD's first research topic selected, with 15 projects funded to study how best to prevent, manage and control elevated BP. One of the greatest modifiable risk factors for disease, high BP is responsible for about 9.4 million deaths annually - with over 80 percent of those occurring in LMICs - according to the Global Burden of Disease 2010 study.
Although there was great variation in behavior change ratings, the scientists observed a high degree of synergy in the types of projects funded. Most were multifaceted, focusing on education and behavior change strategies. They drew on "softer" policy levers, such as guidelines, communication/marketing and service provision, rather than restrictive government regulation or legislation.
All of the research teams - working in 15 LMICs and Aboriginal communities in Canada - initially collaborated on a mapping exercise to study aspects of behavior change in their target populations and provide a benchmark to gauge progress. Projects broadly aligned to two topic areas - interventions in health care delivery, or measures to reduce salt intake or test salt substitutes.
The overarching program goals are to better understand barriers and facilitators at local and national levels, learn how innovations for BP control can be introduced and scaled up, and identify what health system elements must be strengthened to improve BP control and reduce health disparities.
By working together, the teams were able to synthesize common elements across research projects and encourage cross-fertilization of ideas. Another benefit of the GACD is the close relationship between the researchers and the funding agencies, the scientists said, so results can be used to inform future research funding calls.
Although the investigators had expected similar actors surveyed in each location to exhibit similar characteristics, they found there was a high degree of variability. That indicates the actors themselves and the local contexts in which they operate may be different. "Further, the interventions themselves, although similar in nature are complex," the scientists said. "And the extent to which they are tailored to the regions in which they are working are likely to be a critical driver of outcomes."
The actor-context-intervention relationships are key to understanding why similar interventions may produce different outcomes, and why similar actors may adopt interventions differently, according to the research partners. They said the main strength of the endeavor is the collaborative nature of the work and suggested their final process evaluations may hold important lessons for the broader global community.
"The outcomes of such activities are instructive for funding agencies and will help inform how global research programs can be developed into 'implementation laboratories,' thereby, delivering new knowledge that extends beyond the individual research projects that they fund," the authors concluded.
The GACD has issued subsequent funding calls for diabetes and environmental lung disease research. A request for proposals related to mental health is being planned.
More Information
- Learn more about the Global Alliance for Chronic Diseases (GACD).
- Access the full article Behaviour change strategies for reducing blood pressure-related disease burden: findings from a global implementation research programme from the November 9, 2015 issue of Implementation Science.
- Access a collection of implementation science news and resources from Fogarty.
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Funding Opportunities
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- Notice of NIAID's Interest to Highlight High-Priority Zika virus (ZIKV) Research Areas (NOT-AI-16-026)
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Application deadline: February 29, 2016
NIH funding opportunities for which foreign organizations, foreign components of U.S. organizations and/or other foreign components may apply.
- Supplements to Promote Clinical Research Studies on Pediatric Burkitt Lymphoma in Low- and Middle-Income Countries (Admin Supp) (PA-16-086)
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Funding News
NIH funding news that may be relevant to global health researchers.
- Change in eRA Commons Registration Process (NOT-OD-16-056)
- Notice of Applicant Information Webinar for NHGRI ENCODE RFAs: RFA-HG-16-002, RFA-HG-16-003, RFA-HG-16-004, RFA-HG-16-005, and RFA-HG-16-006 (NOT-HG-16-007)
Upcoming Deadlines
- Cancer Detection, Diagnosis and Treatment Technologies for Global Health (UG3/UH3)
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Application deadline: February 9, 2016 - NEW > Global Noncommunicable Diseases and Injury ResearchApplication deadline: February 24, 2016
- Global Injury and Trauma Research Training Program
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Application deadline: February 24, 2016 - Research Fellowships in Japan supported by the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
Application Deadline: March 1, 2016 - International Research Scientist Development Award (IRSDA) for US scientists
Application deadline: March 2, 2016 - International Bioethics Training:
Master's: International Research Ethics Education and Curriculum Development Award (R25)
Doctoral/Postdoctoral: International Bioethics Research Training Program (D43)
Application deadline: May 18, 2016 - Global Infectious Disease Research Training Program
Application deadline: July 29, 2016
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