Febrile Seizures: Immunization & Genetics
CDC fact sheet: Childhood vaccines and febrile seizures
CDC information: Febrile seizures in children following vaccination with influenza vaccines — 2012-2013 influenza season
Recent finding: Common genetic variants are associated with general & MMR vaccine–related febrile seizures.
Bjarke Feenstra, et al. Nature Genetics, October 26, 2014
Bjarke Feenstra, et al. Nature Genetics, October 26, 2014
Find out which genetic conditions and tests are associated with febrile seizures, from the NIH Genetic Testing Registry
Etiologies for seizures around the time of vaccination.
Nienke E. Verbeek et al. Pediatrics, September 15, 2014
Nienke E. Verbeek et al. Pediatrics, September 15, 2014
Common variants associated with general and MMR vaccine-related febrile seizures
Feenstra B, et al. Nat Genet, Oct 26, 2014.
Feenstra B, et al. Nat Genet, Oct 26, 2014.
Most vaccination-onset epilepsy has genetic, structural cause, by Pauline Anderson, Medscape, Sep 24
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