This Week's Top 10 Viewed Stories
� 1. Erase Those Wrinkles 2nd week)
BALTIMORE, Md., (Ivanhoe Newswire) First there was the face lift - then came fillers - and now there’s a new way to tighten skin and erase wrinkles; there’s very little downtime with this FDA approved treatment.
BALTIMORE, Md., (Ivanhoe Newswire) First there was the face lift - then came fillers - and now there’s a new way to tighten skin and erase wrinkles; there’s very little downtime with this FDA approved treatment.
� 2. Factors That May Contribute to Pancreatic Cancer
Oct. 14, 2014 - New research provides a better understanding of pancreatic cancer, and may help identify individuals at increased risk. Pancreatic cancer is a stealthy cancer that is usually detected at very late...
Oct. 14, 2014 - New research provides a better understanding of pancreatic cancer, and may help identify individuals at increased risk. Pancreatic cancer is a stealthy cancer that is usually detected at very late...
� 3. Key Factor in Problem Drinking: microRNA
Oct. 21, 2014 - A tiny segment of genetic material known as a microRNA plays a central role in the transition from moderate drinking to binge drinking and other alcohol use disorders, researchers have...
Oct. 21, 2014 - A tiny segment of genetic material known as a microRNA plays a central role in the transition from moderate drinking to binge drinking and other alcohol use disorders, researchers have...
� 4. ‘Natural’ Bed Bug Pesticides Compared (2nd week)
Oct. 12, 2014 - The efficacy of nine essential oil-based products and two detergents that are labeled and marketed for bed bug control were evaluated by researchers. When the researchers sprayed the 11 non-synthetic ...
Oct. 12, 2014 - The efficacy of nine essential oil-based products and two detergents that are labeled and marketed for bed bug control were evaluated by researchers. When the researchers sprayed the 11 non-synthetic ...
� 5. Alzheimer’s: Amyloid Hypothesis Confirmed (2nd week)
Oct. 12, 2014 - An innovative laboratory culture system has succeeded, for the first time, in reproducing the full course of events underlying the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Using this system, investigators...
Oct. 12, 2014 - An innovative laboratory culture system has succeeded, for the first time, in reproducing the full course of events underlying the development of Alzheimer’s disease. Using this system, investigators...
� 6. How Radiotherapy Kills Cancer Cells
Oct. 21, 2014 - A new discovery in experimental physics has implications for understanding how radiotherapy kills cancer cells, among other...
Oct. 21, 2014 - A new discovery in experimental physics has implications for understanding how radiotherapy kills cancer cells, among other...
� 7. Lung Cancer Can Stay Hidden for Over 20 Years (2nd week)
Oct. 9, 2014 - Scientists have discovered that lung cancers can lie dormant for over 20 years before suddenly turning into an aggressive form of the...
Oct. 9, 2014 - Scientists have discovered that lung cancers can lie dormant for over 20 years before suddenly turning into an aggressive form of the...
� 8. Molecular Breadcrumb Trail Helps Melanoma Spread
Oct. 14, 2014 - Melanoma cells are drawn to follow the ‘trail’ of a naturally-occurring molecule in the body, which directs this serious type of skin cancer to spread, scientists have ...
Oct. 14, 2014 - Melanoma cells are drawn to follow the ‘trail’ of a naturally-occurring molecule in the body, which directs this serious type of skin cancer to spread, scientists have ...
� 9. Erase Those Wrinkles -- Research Summary
BACKGROUND: In an effort to lessen the signs of aging, some people opt for cosmetic procedures. As people age, skin stretches, and soon begins to sag or become loose in certain areas of the body. Cosmetic “lifts” are popular procedures to slow down these signs; doctors can remove excess skin or use liposuction to remove fatty tissue in the selected area(s). One individual’s reason to obtain a cosmetic procedure will vary from another’s; however, a common thread for most cosmetic patients is to gain more confidence.
BACKGROUND: In an effort to lessen the signs of aging, some people opt for cosmetic procedures. As people age, skin stretches, and soon begins to sag or become loose in certain areas of the body. Cosmetic “lifts” are popular procedures to slow down these signs; doctors can remove excess skin or use liposuction to remove fatty tissue in the selected area(s). One individual’s reason to obtain a cosmetic procedure will vary from another’s; however, a common thread for most cosmetic patients is to gain more confidence.
� 10. Zumba Your Way to a Better Body & Mind
COLUMBUS, Ohio (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Cancer Society one in eight women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. We met a woman who is fighting those odds using her own life battles to teach high school girls how to live life to its fullest.
COLUMBUS, Ohio (Ivanhoe Newswire) -- October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. According to the American Cancer Society one in eight women in the US will develop invasive breast cancer during their lifetime. We met a woman who is fighting those odds using her own life battles to teach high school girls how to live life to its fullest.
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