Suicide Prevention: Family History & Genomics
New CDC blog post: Suicide, family history, and genomics
CDC information: Risk factors for suicide include family history of suicide and family history of child maltreatment
National Institute for Mental Health information: Suicide prevention
Did you know?>200 genes have been reported in relation to suicide risk, including 10 genomewide association studies? To find out more, visit the HuGE Navigator
Check out genetic conditions and tests associated with suicide,
from the NIH Genetic Testing Registry
Could a genetic test predict the risk for suicide? Scientists are hunting for the genetic basis of suicide and developing suicide DNA tests,
by Antonio Regalado, MIT Technology Review, Aug 13
Blood test that allegedly predicts suicide risk only looks promising in the media, not in science,
by Cecile Janssens, Huffington Post, Aug 19
Team approach helps teen depression,
by Dr. Francis Collins, NIH Director, Sep 9
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