domingo, 21 de septiembre de 2014

BioEdge: the latest news and articles about bioethics

BioEdge: the latest news and articles about bioethics


Michael Cook

Sorry, folks, no folksy message this week. Instead, we have something far more fun: our annual online survey, which we have not actually run for the last two years. Since then our subscriber list has grown and bioethics is on the front page more than ever.
So, to improve our service and to increase our readership, we need to know how you use BioEdge and how we can serve you better.
Please take 3 or 4 minutes to fill it out. It is not at all painful. Here’s the URL:
Michael Cook
Editor, BioEdge 
New Media Foundation | Level 2, 5 George St | North Strathfield NSW 2137 | AUSTRALIA | +61 2 8005 8605 

by Michael Cook | Sep 20, 2014
A decision which raises many questions.

by Michael Cook | Sep 20, 2014
A field worker describes her day-to-day work.

by Michael Cook | Sep 20, 2014
New Scientist magazine does an ethical back flip.

by Michael Cook | Sep 20, 2014
If love needs drugs, is it still love?

by Michael Cook | Sep 20, 2014
Did doctor take selfie during operation?

by Carmel Shalev | Sep 20, 2014
An Israeli bioethicist is organising a conference on the rapidly growing market in surrogate mothers and babies.

by Michael Cook | Sep 20, 2014
The Indian dentist's death was misrepresented.
Suite 12A, Level 2 | 5 George St | North Strathfield NSW 2137 | Australia
Phone: +61 2 8005 8605
Mobile: 0422-691-615

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