viernes, 11 de julio de 2014

Obesity and Overweight: Topics - DNPAO - CDC

Obesity and Overweight: Topics - DNPAO - CDC

eNews - CDC Nutrition, Physical Activity, and Obesity

How Adults Use Menu Label Information in Restaurants, by State, 2012

A new study published in the July 11th issue of CDC’s Morbity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) reports that more than 50% of adults surveyed said they used menu label information when making food choices in restaurants. Researchers analyzed self-reported menu label usage among 17 states by using data from the 2012 Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance System (BRFSS). Among the 118,013 adults surveyed, approximately 3 of 5 (57%) reported that when calorie information was available on restaurant menus, it helped them decide what to order.
Menu labeling
The 17 states described in this study were as follows:
Delaware, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee.
Researchers found that New York (61.3%) had the highest  proportion of menu label users, followed by Hawaii (60.2%). Montana (48.7%) had the lowest proportion of menu label users. For each state, menu label usage was higher among women than men. The use of menu labels by age and race/ethnicity varied by state.
Menu labeling in restaurants can help consumers make informed food choices. According to this study’s authors, targeted strategies for awareness and education may help to increase the use of menu labels in restaurants across the United States, and help adults who want to choose foods and beverages with fewer calories. Federal law requires restaurants that have 20 locations or more nationally to list calorie information next to menu items on menus or menu boards. To date, regulations to implement this law have not been finalized. However, many restaurants and other places where foods and beverages are sold have begun to post this information voluntarily.
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HBO Documentary Series: The Weight of the Nation for Kids

The Weight of the Nation for KidsThe Weight of the Nation for KidsExternal Web Site Icon documentary looks at the issue of childhood obesity. This three-part series of 30-minute films sheds light on solutions to the obesity problem at home and in school. With about 32% of children and teens ages 2 to 19 either overweight or obese1, the issue has never been more urgent.
The Weight of the Nation for Kids is a fun, family-friendly companion to the 2012 four-part documentary, The Weight of the NationExternal Web Site Icon™, which highlighted the causes of obesity, as well as practical solutions to improve the diets and physical activity of Americans. The Weight of the Nation for Kids focuses on what some kids are doing at home and in their schools and communities to make healthy changes in their diets, school menus, and every day activities. 

HBO Documentary Series: The Weight of the Nation

The Weight of the NationExternal Web Site Icon is an HBO Documentary Films and Institute of Medicine (IOM)External Web Site Icon four-part series confronting America’s obesity epidemic. The series, which originally aired in May of 2012, comprises four documentary films, a three-part series for families, 12 bonus shorts, a social media campaign, and a nationwide community-based outreach campaign to support the initiative.the weight of the nation documentary logoExternal Web Site Icon
The goal of The Weight of the Nation is to raise public awareness of the complexity of the obesity epidemic. The films were developed in association with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH)External Web Site Icon , and with the support of the Michael & Susan Dell FoundationExternal Web Site Icon and Kaiser PermanenteExternal Web Site Icon .



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1Ogden CL, Carroll MD, Kit BK, Flegal KM. Prevalence of obesity and trends in body mass index among US children and adolescents, 1999-2010. JAMA. 2012;307(5):483-490.

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