viernes, 4 de abril de 2014

MMWR News Synopsis for April 3, 2014

MMWR News Synopsis for April 3, 2014

MMWR News Synopsis for April 3, 2014

MMWR – Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

MMWR News Synopsis for April 3, 2014
Click here for the full MMWR articles. If you have questions about these summaries, please 
1. CDC Grand Rounds: Global Tobacco Control 
Less than $1 billion is spent globally on tobacco control, with 97 percent of the spending done by high-income countries. If the rate of tobacco use remains unchanged, it will mostly impact persons in low-income and middle-income countries with high population densities.  
2. National Capacity for Surveillance, Prevention, and Control of West Nile Virus and Other Arbovirus Infections — United States, 2004 and 2012
Sara D. Ramey, M.Ed.
Director of Marketing & Communications
Council of State and Territorial Epidemiologists
(770) 458-3811

Each state and local health department needs to evaluate its arbovirus surveillance system to assure it is sufficient to detect West Nile virus and other possible arboviral threats in time enough to recognize an outbreak and to know which arboviruses are causing disease in their jurisdiction.
3. Progress Toward Measles Preelimination — African Region, 2011–2012
To achieve the measles elimination target in the African region by 2020, efforts must be intensified at the global and country levels to implement strategies quickly that close gaps in population immunity and increase routine vaccination services. 
Notes from the Field
  •         Multistate Outbreak of Listeriosis Linked to Soft-Ripened Cheese — United States, 2013 
  •         Calls to Poison Centers for Exposures to Electronic Cigarettes — United States, September 2010–February 2014

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