martes, 8 de abril de 2014

4/22 - National Rx Drug Abuse Summit

Register Today for the National Rx Drug Abuse Summit
April 22–24, 2014 | Atlanta Marriott Marquis, Atlanta, GA
The National Rx Drug Abuse Summit is the largest national collaboration of professionals from local, state, and federal agencies, businesses, academia, clinicians, treatment providers, counselors, educators, state and national leaders, and advocates impacted by prescription drug abuse.
Participate in a collaborative environment and up-to-date data-driven discussions for professionals in the public health and public safety fields. Sessions are organized into seven Educational Tracks tailored to provide stakeholders timely and relevant information for their particular field: Clinical, Education & Advocacy, Law Enforcement, Pharmacy, Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs, Third-Party Payer, or Treatment.
SAMHSA speakers at the Summit include:
  • Dr. Elinore McCance-Katz, Chief Medical Officer
  • Frances M. Harding, Director, Center for Substance Abuse Prevention
  • CDR Jinhee Lee, Pharm.D., Center for Substance Abuse Treatment

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