miércoles, 22 de enero de 2014



Patient-driven initiatives and actions to foster rare disease research
Call for applications for new research funding from DEBRA International now open (Submission deadline:
15 February 2014) 


Current research priorities

  • Improve our understanding of the biology and genetics of all forms of EB, as better understanding can lead to new approaches to diagnose and treat EB
  • Work towards the development of therapies (including possible gene-therapies, cell-therapies, drug therapies or protein therapies)
  • Understand the nature of wound healing and the development of skin cancer in EB, and seek to develop better treatments and prevention strategies
  • Support clinical care research to improve the management of EB through symptom relief

Submission deadlines

The deadlines for application submissions are normally twice per year, on 15th February or March and 15th September. Decisions on funding applications from these calls will normally be made in June and December, respectively.
However, details of calls and submission dates can vary from year to year, so 
always check this page.


  • One of the defined priority research areas
  • Between 6 months and 3 years duration
  • It is expected that funding requests would not exceed €80K per annum; however, funding in excess of these amounts may be allowed if considered by DEBRA to be adequately justified in the grant application, and subject to funding availability  
  • Currency may be USD, EUR or GBP; contracts will be issued in USD, EUR or GBP for a binding amount

Review process

Research Proposals will be reviewed by external reviewers and members of DEBRA International's Medical & Scientific Advisory Panel (MSAP). Recommendations for funding made by MSAP at a grant review meeting will then be considered by DEBRA's Boards of Trustees.
Subject to funding availability, allocation of funds will recognise an equal prioritisation of the research areas, while adhering to the core principle of funding the best research, identified by MSAP as meeting the criteria of scientific quality, feasibility and patient benefit.


DEBRA International welcomes proposals for co-funding with other organisations, including government, academia, industry or other charities.
DEBRA will not, however, fund generic technology development costs not closely related to a specific EB therapeutic approach.
If in doubt about whether your application would be eligible, please contact Dr Clare Robinson, DEBRA International research manager, before submitting a full application.


Applications should be submitted by e-mail to Dr Clare Robinson (attachments should be <6Mb), and one hardcopy of the application posted to the address in the box Address for submission. Receipt of your application will be acknowledged by e-mail.
Please read the Terms and Conditions and Guidelines on Submitting an Application before completing an application form.

If you are applying for an extension (one year maximum) to an existing DEBRA research grant, please complete the application form for grant extensions.
You will find all necessary documents and forms in the box Application documents.

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