viernes, 3 de enero de 2014

Errata: Vol. 62, No. 47

Errata: Vol. 62, No. 47

HHS, CDC and MMWR Logos
MMWR Weekly
Volume 62, Nos. 51 & 52
January 3, 2014 

Errata: Vol. 62, No. 47


January 3, 2014 / 62(51);1053

In the report, "Very High Blood Lead Levels Among Adults — United States, 2002–2011," several errors occurred. On page 967, the ninth sentence of the first paragraph should read, "Persistent very high BLLs (≥40 µg/dL in > 1 calendar year) were found among 2,210 (19%) of these adults." The sixth sentence of the second paragraph should read, "A very high BLL measured in > 1 calendar year was defined as a persistent very high BLL." The second sentence of the third paragraph should read, "Among these adults, 2,210 (19%) had persistent very high BLLs, 1,487 (13%) had BLLs ≥60 µg/dL, and 96 had BLLs ≥60 µg/dL in > 1 calendar year (Table 1)." On page 968, the last row header of Table 1 should read, "Total no. of adults with persistent very high BLLs (in > 1 calendar year)." On page 970, in the "What is added by this report?" section of the summary box text, the first sentence should read, "Data collected by the Adult Blood Lead Epidemiology and Surveillance program during 2002–2011 identified 11,536 adults with very high BLLs (≥40µg/dL), of whom 19% had elevated BLLs recorded in > 1 calendar year." Finally, in the "What are the implications for public health practice?" section of the summary box, the first sentence should read, "The finding that many workers have harmful BLLs, some that are present for > 1 calendar year, is of grave concern."

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