Newborn Screening
A large-scale nationwide newborn screening program for Pompe disease in Taiwan: Towards effective diagnosis and treatment
Yang CF, et al. Am J Med Genet A 2013 Nov
Austrian Newborn Screening Program: a perspective of five decades
Pollak A & Kasper DC J Perinat Med 2013 Nov:1-8
Cost effectiveness of newborn screening for cystic fibrosis: A simulation study
Nshimyumukiza L, et al. J Cyst Fibros 2013 Nov
Diagnosis of cystic fibrosis in London and South East England before and after the introduction of newborn screening
Lim M, et al. Arch Dis Child 2013 Nov
Genomics technology races to save newborns,
Delays at hospitals across the country undermine newborn screening programs, putting babies at risk of disability and death,
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