information and family health history can improve health and influence policy and practice. We highlight
news and information on the use of genomic tests and other applications, including family health history,
in clinical and public health practice and programs, along with relevant data, policy, and legislation. We hope the update is informative to practitioners, policy makers, consumers, and researchers. Please send
your comments to:
Features of the Week
Newborn Screening in the United States: Celebrating 50 Years of Saving Lives
- 2013 Joint Meeting of the Newborn Screening and Genetic Testing Symposium and the International Society for Neonatal Screening: 50 Years of newborn screening- celebrating the past and preparing for the future,
Atlanta, GA May 5–10, 2013
- Association for Public Health Laboratories: The newborn screening story: how one simple test changed lives, science & health in America
[PDF 25.50 MB]
- Association for Public Health Laboratories: What is newborn screening? Find the facts: Testing that can save a baby's life
- Newborn screening: One of public health’s greatest achievements celebrates 50 years and thousands of lives saved,
The Pump Handle Post by Kim Krisberg, May 3
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