viernes, 24 de mayo de 2013

Headlines: $3.4 Million Available in SAMHSA Grants

Headlines: $3.4 Million Available in SAMHSA Grants

Headlines: $3.4 Million Available in SAMHSA Grants

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SAMHSA Headlines

The grants will help reduce prescription drug misuse and abuse by providing health care providers with access to PDMP data and promoting use of the program.
Dr. Katz will provide medical-scientific expertise to SAMHSA's major behavioral health efforts including those promoting the prevention of mental illnesses and substance use disorders.
This award recognizes excellence in opioid treatment programs and providers who use medications approved by the Food and Drug Administration for the treatment of opioid-related disorders.
The SAMHSA-sponsored Helpline, 800-985-5990 or text TalkWithUs to 66746, offers counseling to those affected by human-caused and natural disasters.
"Talk. They Hear You." is a new national SAMHSA campaign that empowers parents to talk to children about the dangers of underage drinking.
A new report shows that among the approximately 57,000 teenage (age 12 to 19) female substance abuse treatment admissions each year, about 2,000 (4 percent) involve pregnant teens.

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