information and family health history can improve health and influence policy and practice. We highlight
news and information on the use of genomic tests and other applications, including family health history,
in clinical and public health practice and programs, along with relevant data, policy, and legislation. We hope the update is informative to practitioners, policy makers, consumers, and researchers. Please send
your comments to:
Features of the Week
The Affordable Care Act and Genomics
- CDC feature: Affordable Care Act helping prevent disease
counseling and testing included in list of preventive services
that have a rating of A or B from the U.S. Preventive Services
Task Force that are relevant for implementing the Affordable Care
- Breast cancer genetic testing gets covered by health care reform,
Rachael Rettner, MyHealthNewsDaily, Mar 6
- Genetic discrimination and the Affordable Care Act,
National Human Genome Research Institute
- Genetic provisions in the Affordable Care Act: Nine questions about the Affordable Care Act: from the Center for Jewish Genetics
- Healthcare reform law benefits children with genetic diseases
Despite law’s benefits, many questions about coverage remain, Am J Med Genet Part A
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