miércoles, 10 de abril de 2013

Health Care Innovations Exchange: HIV Screening and Care for HIV-Positive Patients

Health Care Innovations Exchange: HIV Screening and Care for HIV-Positive Patients

AHRQ Health Care Innovations

New Issue Focuses on

HIV Screening and Care for HIV-Positive Patients

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ) announces the April 10 issue of the Health Care Innovations Exchange (http://www.innovations.ahrq.gov).
  • The featured Innovations describe a program that integrates HIV screening into routine care at community health centers, a New York State law that promotes HIV testing in routine care, and a program that provides proactive anal cancer screening to HIV-positive patients, who are at high risk of anal cancer.
  • The featured QualityTools include information, intake forms, and educational materials for HIV-related health care, housing, and supportive service providers; and resources for use by State health departments to increase HIV testing on a statewide level.
  • Read more innovation profiles and tools related to HIV screening (http://go.usa.gov/Tcf5) and care for HIV-positive patients (http://go.usa.gov/TcfH) on the Innovations Exchange Web site, which contains more than 775 searchable innovations and 1,525 QualityTools.
  • New PerspectiveThe U.S. Preventive Services Task Force Will Soon Issue a Final Recommendation on HIV Screening for Adolescents and Adults: A Conversation With USPSTF Member Douglas K. Owens, MD, MS (http://go.usa.gov/TCRY)
  • New AHRQ ToolThe Clinical–Community Relationships Measures Atlas (http://go.usa.gov/TaT4) provides a measurement framework and listing of existing measures of clinical–community relationships and is intended to support research and evaluation in the field.
  • Updated Page
    Visit our updated page, Building Relationships Between Clinical Practices and the Community To Improve Care (http://go.usa.gov/2Suk), for new resources related to clinical–community relationships.

Events and Podcasts:

  • Upcoming Web Event Series
    The Innovations Exchange announces a new Web event series (http://go.usa.gov/2SuP) designed to share experiences and lessons learned in putting accountable care organization and patient-centered medical home principles into practice.
    Join us on Thursday, April 25, from 1 to 2 pm ET for the first event in the series, titled Payment Models That Support Medical Home and Accountable Care Organization Principles: Maryland’s Experience. For more information and to register, visit the Event page: http://go.usa.gov/2Suz

    Save the date—Thursday, May 9, 1 to 2 pm ET—for the second in this series: A Close Look at Care Coordination Within Patient-Centered Medical Homes: West Virginia’s Experience. For more information, visit the Event page: http://go.usa.gov/TCRY
  • Thank you for participating!
    Thank you for joining us on April 9 for the Web event titled Promoting the Spread of Health Care Innovations. Event materials will be available soon.
Use the My Innovations feature http://www.innovations.ahrq.gov/accounts/createAccount.aspx to save your favorite subjects and receive e-mail alerts when new content is published within your areas of interest.
New issues of the Innovations Exchange are published biweekly on Wednesdays. Please contact us at info@innovations.ahrq.gov with any questions or comments.
Follow the Innovations Exchange (AHRQIX) on Twitter with this hyperlink: http://www.twitter.com/ahrqix

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