April 3, 2013
- Heads Up: Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials Opportunities
- Last Call to Participate in Our Funding Newsletter Focus Group
Opportunities and Resources
- Support for Innovative Research on HIV Prevention Strategies
- Noteworthy Items for Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence FOAs
- Seeking New Research on T-Cell Responses at the Point of Viral Entry
In The News
- Continuing Resolution Continues
- Take a Warm-Up Lap Through Submitting Multiproject Applications
- News Briefs
Advice Corner
New Funding Opportunities
Heads Up: Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trials Opportunities
If you've been anxiously awaiting the new set of funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) for investigator-initiated clinical trials, NIAID published them on March 22.
We strongly encourage you to request prior consultation with NIAID program staff at least 10 weeks before you apply. There are three scientific/research contacts listed under Agency Contacts, covering the major clinical research areas under this FOA:
- Dr. Ellen Goldmuntz for immunological, allergic, and transplantation-related diseases
- Mr. Martin Gutierrez for AIDS
- Dr. Shy Shorer for non-AIDS infectious diseases
If you plan to apply for the first submission date in June, we recommend calling your appropriate scientific/research contact right away since there aren't 10 weeks left before then.
For R01 and U01 applications with requests of $500,000 or more for direct costs in any year, submit requests for prior approval no later than April 9.
When you discuss your plans with your program officer, he or she can advise you on research risk, appropriate award type, programmatic interest in your idea, and your readiness to implement a trial.
Your application must meet NIAID's expectations for responsiveness so it can proceed to peer review. Carefully review the "Prior Consultation With NIAID" and "Responsiveness Criteria" sections of the FOAs.
Learn more about the prior consultation process and other aspects of the new opportunities in our updated Investigator-Initiated Clinical Trial Resources and the Guide notices for the opportunities:
- NIAID Clinical Trial Planning Grant (R34)
- NIAID Clinical Trial Implementation Grant (R01)
- NIAID Clinical Trial Implementation Cooperative Agreement (U01)
We'll publish any follow-up guidance or advice in a future issue of this newsletter.
Last Call to Participate in Our Funding Newsletter Focus Group
This is your last chance to volunteer for the NIAID Funding Newsletter focus group.
If you have ideas for how to make the newsletter better or would like to receive your NIAID funding information using different media tools (e.g., eTOC, Facebook or Twitter, or RSS news feeds), participate in a forthcoming focus group to let us know:
- What you like and would like to see more of.
- What you don’t like and would like to see less of.
- What we can do to better deliver news and advice that helps you apply for and manage your grants.
We’re open to comments on anything—our content, choice of topics, editorial style, publication schedule...even our color scheme. We're not putting limits on the scope of the conversation.
Whether you think we need tinkering or an overhaul, or even if you think everything should be just as it is, we welcome your participation. Email us at deaweb@niaid.nih.gov to volunteer.
Once we have you on our list of those interested, we'll provide details about the date and the format of the focus group. We will most likely hold the meeting as a teleconference or videoconference.
Support for Innovative Research on HIV Prevention Strategies
Researchers focusing on HIV prevention should take a look at two recently released funding opportunity announcements (FOAs) supporting innovative research in HIV prevention strategies.
Muscosal Environment and HIV Prevention (MEHP)
The MEHP opportunity is intended to support basic research efforts to better understand the interaction between HIV microbicide, preexposure prophylaxis (PrEP), and Multipurpose Prevention Technologies (MPT) prevention strategies and the genital (male and female) and gastrointestinal mucosa.
The scientific focus of this opportunity is not drug discovery. Your project should be designed to generate data to understand the interaction of prevention strategies with the mucosa as the first step to creating safer and more effective HIV prevention interventions.
The deadline for optional letters of intent is June 25, 2013, with applications due a month later on July 25. See the March 7, 2013, Guide notice for complete details.
Preclinical Innovation Program (PIP)
The PIP will support high-risk, novel research in the field of non-vaccine HIV biomedical prevention strategies, aimed at creating and supporting a sustainable prevention pipeline.
If interested in applying, note that you will be required to identify a Go/No-Go decision as a deliverable to be met by the end of year two. If you reach your Go goal, the grant will continue for the full four years. Otherwise, the grant budget will be reduced in year three and the award closed out.
PIP replaces the earlier Microbicide Innovation Program. Read the FOA carefully to understand the differences between the two.
Optional letters of intent are due July 1, 2013, with applications due on August 1, 2013. For complete details, see the March 7, 2013, Guide notice.
Noteworthy Items for Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence FOAs
Take note of two items if you're planning to apply for the Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence, Clinical Research Program (UM1) or Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence, Basic Research Program (U19) funding opportunity announcements (FOAs).
Informational Session
To get an overview of these FOAs, including a brief history and description of their scientific objectives, join in on a webinar or teleconference on Wednesday, April 10, 2013, from 2 to 4 p.m.
In addition to "meeting" potential collaborators, you'll get answers to your questions, which we ask you to submit in advance by emailing Dr. David Johnson at David.Johnson@NIH.Gov. Please put "ACE question" as the subject line.
You can go online for the webinar or call 1-888-997-8505 (pass code 27772) if you're in the U.S.
For details, read the March 20, 2013, Guide notice.
Just to Be Clear on the UM1
This is for applicants interested in the ACE Clinical Research Program: two applications may not share a clinical project, i.e., it must be proposed in its entirety within one application. Read the March 15, 2013, Guide notice for further information.
Learn more about the ACE program in our February 20, 2013, article "New FOAs Offer Chance to Participate in Autoimmunity Centers of Excellence."
Seeking New Research on T-Cell Responses at the Point of Viral Entry
Do you study memory T-cell function at mucosal surfaces? Would you like to use your expertise in the field of HIV research? If so, you may be interested in the recently released Mechanisms of Cellular Immunity in the Female Reproductive Tract (FRT) funding opportunity announcement (FOA).
Your project should contribute to the understanding of how to generate effective and persistent T-cell responses against infection by HIV or other viral pathogens in the FRT. This FOA encourages the use of animal model systems relevant to HIV infection or anti-viral immunity in the FRT.
Note that this FOA is intended to support innovative basic research efforts and is not intended to support the preclinical or clinical development of vaccine candidates or adjuvants.
Investigators new to the HIV research field, as well as established HIV investigators with novel research ideas, are encouraged to apply.
The deadline for optional letters of intent is June 24, 2013, with applications due a month later on July 24. See the March 7, 2013, Guide notice for complete details.
Continuing Resolution Continues
We have a new continuing resolution, H.R. 933, for the remainder of the fiscal year. As NIAID’s budget situation becomes clearer, we’ll continue to update our Paylines and Funding pages.
Take a Warm-up Lap Through Submitting Multiproject Applications
Check out the test environment now available to practice working in ASSIST, NIH’s new electronic system for preparing and submitting multiproject applications.
The "Playing” With ASSIST—Applicants instructions walk you through the process of setting up test eRA credentials, as well as provide some tips for entering data in ASSIST.
You can get a feel for the system by using the Multiproject Test FOA (P01) to input information in the test environment.
For details on the SF 424 (R&R) Form Set and how information will be collected in ASSIST, take a look at the Annotated Forms for Multiproject Applications.
News Briefs
NIH Director's Award Is the "BEST." To help better prepare pre- and postdoctoral scientists for a variety of research-related careers, e.g., in nonacademic venues, NIH launched the NIH Director’s Biomedical Research Workforce Innovation Award: Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST). For details, read the March 4, 2013, Guide notice and the March 8, 2013, Extramural Nexus article.
Training Sub-Saharan Investigators and Institutions That Work With Them. Sign up for NIH-sponsored training on grant writing and peer review from November 18 to 20, 2013, in Johannesburg, South Africa. For details, go to Sub-Saharan Africa Regional Grant Writing and Peer Review Workshop
Keep Your eRA Commons Profile From Becoming Your Enemy
With so many electronic systems at NIH, it's more important than ever to ensure that your eRA Commons profiles are well-maintained and up to date.
If your account is missing information or incorrect, it can stop some electronic forms from processing and you might even miss deadlines as you try to make profile corrections at the last minute.
You should also ensure that you don't have more accounts than you need; having superfluous accounts for the same role increases the likelihood that your application or grant information will become associated with the wrong identity.
Trust, But Verify
Your first step is to confirm that NIH has correct information.
Log in to the eRA Commons and go to the Personal Profile tab. For details, see Applicants (Pre Award)—How To: Basic Tasks Step by Step in eRA Commons.
Too busy to do this yourself?
You can delegate authority to another user through the Delegations option on the Admin tab.
More Is Not Necessarily Better
Multiple accounts are necessary when they're associated with different roles, such as signing official and PI.
But if you have two accounts for the same role, you should merge them to ensure that all your award information and history is properly associated with you.
That’s not a do-it-yourself job. Contact the eRA Commons Help Desk to consolidate accounts.
Why might you have extra accounts that you don’t need?
This could happen if you switched institutions and now have a PI account from both places, or if you had a trainee account and your institution added a regular PI account later.
Feel free to send us a question at deaweb@niaid.nih.gov. After responding to you, we may include your question in the newsletter, incorporate it into the NIAID Research Funding site, or both.
"When submitting a big grant request for approval, must I identify a published funding opportunity announcement (FOA)?"—Maryann Morgan
Yes, you need to respond to a specific FOA. For more information on submitting a big grant application, see our Big Grants SOP.
"What information do I submit just-in-time?"—anonymous reader
The answer depends on your application and the results of initial peer review.
If you meet our published NIAID Paylines for your grant type, follow the instructions you receive by automated email from NIH. You receive this email if your application receives an overall impact score of 40 or better.
If NIAID needs more information, we will ask for it separately. See our Sample Just-in-Time Email From NIAID for examples of the types of information we might request.
If you received a JIT request from NIAID and have additional questions, contact the grants management specialist who sent the JIT email.
If you haven't received a JIT request from NIAID, wait to be contacted.
- BAA-NIAID-DAIT-NIHAI2013166, Development of Medical Countermeasures to Enhance Platelet Regeneration and Survival Following Radiation Exposure From a Radiological/Nuclear Incident
- RFA-AI-13-019, Drug Target Development and Validation for Antimicrobial-Resistant Pathogens
- PAR-13-151, NIAID Clinical Trial Implementation Cooperative Agreement
- PAR-13-150, NIAID Clinical Trial Planning Grant
- PAR-13-149, NIAID Clinical Trial Implementation Grant
- RFA-AI-13-016, Cooperative Centers on Human Immunology
- RFA-MD-13-005, Limited Competition—Revision Applications for Basic Social and Behavioral Research on the Social, Cultural, Biological, and Psychological Mechanisms of Stigma (limited competition)
See other announcements at NIAID Funding Opportunities List.
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