sábado, 23 de febrero de 2013

Products - Health United States - Homepage

Products - Health United States - Homepage

Did You Know?
February 22, 2013
  • For more than 35 years, Health, United States has presented a picture of the nation’s health, including trends in infant mortality, birth and death rates, health status, risk factors, health-care use, and more.
  • Health, United States, 2011: In Brief [PDF-1.4MB] is a companion to the larger report and contains 20 charts and a table of key national health indicators, which can be compared to state and local estimates.
  • A new dynamic version of Health, United States, 2011: In Brief lets you create your own charts and tables and include data from the full Health, United States report.
Health, United States, 2011: In Brief report cover

Please share this e-mail with others interested in improving public health practice through evidence-based strategies. A library of "Did You Know?" information is available online.

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