martes, 15 de marzo de 2011

CERTs Funding Opportunit​y Announceme​nts: Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics (CERTs) Scientific Forum (U19)

Applications Sought: Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics

The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality today issued two Funding Opportunity Announcements (FOAs) for new opportunities under its Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics (CERTs).

Letters of intent for these FOAs are due on April 20, 2011. Applications are due on May 18, 2011.

Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics Scientific Forum seeks applications for the establishment of a Scientific Forum (CS Forum) with the primary goal of ensuring research synergy and collaboration among the CERTs Research Centers with each other and with stakeholders and partners in the larger therapeutics research and education community. The CS Forum convenes the CERTs through meetings of its National Steering Committee and also through CERTs workgroups and committee, and it supports the CERTs in addressing 5 broad programmatic interest areas:
(1) comparative effectiveness,
(2) patient safety,
(3) tool development, enhancement, and/or validation,
(4) health care system interventions, and
(5) translation of research findings into practice or policy.

The Forum also supports a minimum of one major collaborative CERTs project/activity annually based upon input and recommendations of the CERTs Research Centers. AHRQ anticipates awarding one award of up to $900,000 total costs per year for 5 years.

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RFA-HS-11-003: Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics (CERTs) Scientific Forum (U19)

Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics Research Centers seeks U19 Research Program Cooperative Agreement applications for CERTs Research Centers (RCs) that propose a body of work addressing a minimum of three of the five programmatic interest areas:
(1) comparative effectiveness,
(2) patient safety,
(3) tool development, enhancement, and/or validation,
(4) health care system interventions, and
(5) translation of research findings into practice or policy.

The proposed work of a CERTs RC is required to fall within a Center-proposed theme that unifies 3 to 5 major projects proposed by the RC to be conducted over the 5-year period of the grant. Applicants must also propose a core infrastructure that will support not only their proposed work, but also allow the future development and conduct of additional projects and activities with other funding sources and partners.

AHRQ intends to commit $5.1 million in FY2011 to fund up to 6 awards ranging from $800,000 to $1,000,000 in annual total costs. Of these, dedicated funding is anticipated to support one Center focusing on health information technology and one center focusing on patient safety.
Project periods will be 5 years.

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RFA-HS-11-004: Centers for Education and Research on Therapeutics (CERTs)( U19)

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