viernes, 14 de octubre de 2011

CDC - Arthritis - Interventions


Intervention Programs

The CDC Arthritis Program recommends evidence-based programs that are proven to improve the quality of life of people with arthritis. The programs currently being promoted are —
Each Program description also includes information about how to locate these programs in your state. Self-management education programs like the Arthritis Self Management Program (ASMP) and Chronic Disease Self-Management (CDSMP) help teach people with arthritis techniques to manage arthritis on a day-to-day basis. Research has shown that appropriate physical activity offers substantial benefits to people with arthritis and can decrease arthritis pain and disability. Preliminary studies have shown the Arthritis Foundation Exercise Program (formerly People with Arthritis Can Exercise or PACE), the Arthritis Foundation Aquatic Program, EnhanceFitness, Walk With Ease, Active Living Every Day, and Fit and Strong! to be both safe and effective for people with arthritis.  In addition to these physical activity programs, self-directed physical activity can be beneficial. A physical activity fact sheet and information detailing the importance of physical activity for people with arthritis are available. Intervention programs with promising evaluation data and which are building the infrastructure to support program delivery across the country are labeled “Promising Programs”.  There are currently four intervention programs on our list of Promising Programs. There are currently two physical activity interventions on our “Watch List” for possible recommendation; Watch List programs are currently undergoing evaluation to determine their effects on the health of people with arthritis.

A journal article outlining the CDC Arthritis Program's screening criteria and selection process for recommending interventions for people with arthritis has been published. An overview of each recommended intervention and the implementation details is also included.

Brady TJ,  Jernick SL, Hootman JM, Sniezek JE. Public health interventions for arthritis: expanding the toolbox of evidence-based interventions. Journal of Women’s Health 2009;18(12):1905–1917. abstractExternal Web Site Icon
CDC - Arthritis - Interventions

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