lunes, 17 de junio de 2024

European Parliament Elections 2024: What They Mean for Rare Disease Advocacy June 2024 After the European Parliament election, it’s time to unpack what it means for the rare disease community across Europe. Our latest article outlines what happens next. The newly elected MEPs will have a busy schedule ahead of them: from 16-19 July, they will gather in Strasbourg to elect their President and key officials. They will also subsequently be electing the new President of the European Commission, shaping the next five years of EU policymaking. We want to make sure rare diseases remain high on the political agenda. Ahead of the elections, many European Parliament candidates, across the political spectrum, signed our #ActRare2024 campaign pledge, committing to actions that will improve the lives of the 30 million people in Europe with rare diseases. The new legislative term presents both challenges and opportunities for our community, and we are ready to collaborate with the new European Parliament and Commission to ensure rare disease policies remain a top priority.

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