viernes, 1 de marzo de 2019

Pregnancy symptoms week 2: What to look for

Pregnancy symptoms week 2: What to look for

Medical News Today

Women's Health / Gynecology
What are the signs of pregnancy in week 2?
Doctors measure pregnancy from the first day of a woman’s last period, so week 2 is often when conception occurs. Learn more about the possible symptoms here.
How does sex drive change during pregnancy?
Among the many changes that women experience during pregnancy, they may notice that their sex drive increases or decreases in different trimesters. Learn more about sex drive changes and the safety of sex and masturbation during pregnancy here.
Anterior placenta: Everything you need to know
An anterior placenta occurs when the placenta attaches to and grows on the front of the uterus. It is not usually a cause for concern. Learn more in this article.
What to know about back pain in pregnancy
Back pain affects around two-thirds of women during pregnancy. In this article, we look at the causes of back pain in the first, second, and third trimester, and ways to relieve the pain.

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