domingo, 17 de marzo de 2019

GenBank release 230 available, changes to number of files, expanded accessions | NCBI Insights

GenBank release 230 available, changes to number of files, expanded accessions | NCBI Insights

National Library of Medicine

03/14/2019 04:05 PM EDT

GenBank release 230.0  (2/15/2019) with 4.74 Terabases and 1.47 billion records is now available from the NCBI FTP site (flatfiles, ASN.1). There are two  notable changes with this release.  Because we have increased in the target maximum uncompressed file-size, the … Continue reading 
03/14/2019 02:54 PM EDT

Summary of recent posts about changes to MeSH and the PubMed search filter for systematic reviews.
03/14/2019 11:00 AM EDT

Nine former NLM associates fellows share their paths to success as leaders in the field of health services librarianship, how the fellowship helped them, and what’s important now. The National Library of Medicine Associate Fellowship Program is a leadership program for early career librarians interested in a career in health sciences librarianship. Though leadership can…
03/14/2019 11:00 AM EDT

To commemorate Women’s History Month, the NLM launched the exhibition Rise, Serve, Lead! America’s Women Physicians on March 4th. Rise Serve Lead! features a database

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