viernes, 13 de noviembre de 2015

Cancer Information Highlights From the National Cancer Institute

Cancer Information Highlights

National Cancer Institute

Cancer Information Highlights
From the National Cancer Institute
Updating you about cancer causes, prevention, screening, treatment, coping, and more
New from NCI
Children with Cancer Parents Guide cover Children with Cancer: A Guide for Parents

A new publication for parents of children diagnosed with cancer. It has information about childhood cancer, together with tips to help you and your family to cope during this challenging time.
Health professional and patient Shared Decision Making to Improve Cancer Screening Choices

Experts are turning to shared decision making to help patients make informed decisions about cancer screening, explains this Research Update.
Hormone Replacement Therapy May Improve Survival for Women with Ovarian Cancer

Results from a multinational randomized clinical trial suggest estrogen replacement therapy may improve overall survival for women with epithelial ovarian cancer.
PDQ on tablet Breast Cancer Treatment and Pregnancy

We added text to the summary about breast changes during pregnancy. We also revised the descriptions of testing and treatment that are tailored for pregnant women.
Cancer Screening Overview

We added a section to the summary about the importance of the patient being informed about the harms and benefits of a screening test and of taking part in the decision to have the test.
Cervical Cancer Prevention

We updated the information in the summary on risk factors and protective factors for cervical cancer.
Also of Interest
Where To Get Help When You Decide To Quit Smoking

Start planning now to quit smoking during the Great American Smokeout on November 19. We have many resources to help you stop smoking.
Lung Cancer Information for Patients

November is Lung Cancer Awareness Month. This page takes you to our information for patients and their friends and families.
Understanding Cancer Prognosis

If you have cancer, you may have questions about how serious your cancer is and your chances of survival. Understanding your cancer and knowing what to expect can help you and your loved ones make decisions.
Cancer Information Highlights

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