domingo, 31 de agosto de 2014

Goal to Enroll 15,000 People in HBOC-specific Research Studies

Goal to Enroll 15,000 People in HBOC-specific Research Studies

Genomics & Health Impact Update

Surveillance & Registries in Public Health Genomics

The Familial Hypercholesterolemia CASCADE Registry:External Web Site Icon  CAscade SCreening for Awareness and DEtection of Familial Hypercholesterolemia
The Lynch Syndrome Screening Network (LSSN)External Web Site Icon The vision of the LSSN is to reduce the cancer burden associated with Lynch syndrome
Implementation of validated genomic applications can benefit from public health surveillance & registries-CDC Blog post: Feeling the genomic pulse of the United States (2011)
PCORnet:External Web Site Icon The National Patient-Centered Clinical Research Network

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