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Vaccines: News/2013 MMWRs related to immunization
Vaccines: News/2013 MMWRs related to immunization
August 2013
July 2013
July 26, 2013, Vol 62 /No. 29
Hepatitis B Vaccine Birthdose Practices in a Country Where Hepatitis B is Endemic - Laos, December 2011-February 2012
Health facilities can help prevent mother-to-child HBV transmission in Laos by ensuring vaccine availability, vaccinating all infants born in the facility, and enhancing outreach services for home births...
July 26, 2013, Vol 62 /No. 29
Human Papillomavirus Vaccination Coverage Among Adolescent Girls, 2007-2012, and Postlicensure Vaccine Safety Monitoring, 2006-2013 - United States
This report summarizes national HPV vaccination coverage levels among adolescent girls aged 13-17 years from the 2007-2012 National Immunization Survey-Teen (NIS-Teen) and national postlicensure vaccine safety monitoring...
July 19, 2013, Vol 62 / SS03
Surveillance for Travel-Related Disease - GeoSentinel Surveillance System, United States, 1997-2011
Increased use of pretravel consultations, along with improved education for health-care professionals, could result in a decrease in the burden of travel-related disease among U.S. international travelers...
July 19, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 28
Updated Recommendations for Use of VariZIG - United States, 2013
This report summarizes data on the timing of administration of varicella zoster immune globulin in relation to exposure to varicella-zoster virus and provides the CDC updated recommendations for use of VariZIG that replace the 2007 ACIP recommendations...

June 2013
June 28, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 25
Use of 13-Valent Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine and 23-Valent Pneumococcal Polysaccharide Vaccine Among Children Aged 6-18 Years with Immunocompromising Conditions: Recommendations of the ACIP
This report summarizes the evidence considered by ACIP to make this recommendation and reviews the recommendations for use of PCV13 and PPSV23 for children aged 6–18 years...
June 14, 2013, Vol 62 / RR-4
Prevention of Measles, Rubella, Congenital Rubella Syndrome, and Mumps, 2013: Summary Recommendations of the ACIP
This report is a compendium of all current recommendations for the prevention of measles, rubella, congenital rubella syndrome (CRS), and mumps. The report presents the recent revisions...
June 14, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 23
Nationwide Rubella Epidemic - Japan, 2013
In 2012, the number of rubella cases in Japan sharply increased to 2,392, with the rise in cases continuing into 2013 and resulting in a cumulative total of 5,442 cases from January 1 to May 1, 2013...
June 14, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 23
Influenza Activity - United States, 2012-13 Season and Composition of the 2013-14 Influenza Vaccine
This influenza season was moderately severe, with a higher percentage of outpatient visits for influenza-like illness (ILI), higher rates of hospitalization, and more reported deaths attributed to pneumonia and influenza compared with recent years. This report summarizes influenza activity...
June 7, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 22
Progress Toward Measles Elimination - Western Pacific Region, 2009-2012
This report updates the previous report and describes progress toward eliminating measles in WPR during 2009–2012. During this period, measles incidence reached a historic low, decreasing 83%, from 34.0 to 5.9 cases per million population...

May 2013
May 31, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 21
CDC Grand Rounds: Preventing Unsafe Injection Practices in the U.S. Healthcare System
Safe administration depends on adherence to the practices outlined in CDC's evidence-based Standard Precautions guideline. The goal of public health and healthcare systems should be to eliminate such risks...
May 3, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 17
Progress Toward Eradication of Polio - Worldwide, January 2011-March 2013
This report provides an update on progress toward global polio eradication during January 2011–March 2013, using data reported as of April 23, 2013. The number of WPV cases reported globally decreased...
May 1, 2013, Vol 62 / Early Release
Emergence of Avian Influenza A(H7N9) Virus Causing Severe Human Illness - China, February-April 2013
This report summarizes recent findings and recommendations for preparing and responding to potential H7N9 cases in the United States. Clinicians should consider the diagnosis of avian influenza A(H7N9) virus...
April 2013
April 26, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 16
Progress in Introduction of Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine - Worldwide, 2000-2012
This report uses WHO data from 2000–2012, stratified by country disease burden characteristics and World Bank country income groups, to describe global progress in PCV introduction...
April 19, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 15
Announcements: National Infant Immunization Week - April 20–27, 2013
An annual event since 1994, NIIW brings together local and state health departments, national immunization partners, and health-care professionals across the country to hold community activities and events highlighting the importance of protecting infants from vaccine-preventable diseases through immunization...
April 12, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 14
Varicella Death of an Unvaccinated, Previously Healthy Adolescent - Ohio, 2009
This report describes a varicella death in an unvaccinated, previously healthy adolescent aged 15 years. In April 2012, as part of the routine review of vital statistics records, the Ohio Department of Health identified...
April 12, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 14
Human Contacts with Oral Rabies Vaccine Baits Distributed for Wildlife Rabies Management - Ohio, 2012
This is the first published report of human contacts with AdRG1.3 baits in the United States. In 2012, a total 272,034 AdRG1.3 and 504,887 V-RG baits were distributed in Ohio...
April 12, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 14
Evaluating Surveillance Indicators Supporting the Global Polio Eradication Initiative, 2011-2012
This report presents AFP surveillance performance indicators at national and subnational levels for countries affected by polio during 2011–2012, and trends in environmental surveillance, updating previous reports...

March 2013
March 29, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 12
Two Measles Outbreaks After Importation - Utah, March-June 2011
During March-June 2011, local health departments collaborated with the state health department in Utah to investigate two measles outbreaks comprising 13 confirmed cases. The first outbreak, with seven confirmed cases...
March 29, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 12
Three Cases of Congenital Rubella Syndrome in the Postelimination Era - Maryland, Alabama, and Illinois, 2012
This report describes three infants with CRS born in the United States in 2012; all had severe defects, and one died. In all three cases, the mother likely was exposed to rubella in Africa and had no documentation...
March 29, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 12
Notes from the Field: Outbreak of Severe Respiratory Illness in an Assisted-Living Facility - Colorado, 2012
Two confirmed and five probable cases of pneumococcal disease were identified; median age of the seven patients was 80 years (range: 39–97 years) and all had received the 23-valent pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine...
March 22, 2013, Vol 62 / No. RR-2
Prevention & Control of Meningococcal Disease: Recommendations of ACIP
This report compiles and summarizes all recommendations from CDC's Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) regarding prevention and control of meningococcal disease in the United States, specifically the...
March 7, 2013, Vol 62 / Early Release
Update: Severe Respiratory Illness Associated with a Novel Coronavirus - Worldwide, 2012-2013
CDC continues to work closely with the World Health Organization (WHO) and other partners to better understand the public health risk posed by a novel coronavirus...

February 2013
February 22, 2013 / 62 No. 07
Interim Adjusted Estimates of Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness - United States, February 2013
This report presents updated adjusted estimates based on 2,697 children and adults enrolled in the U.S. Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness (Flu VE) Network during December 3, 2012 - January 19, 2013...
February 22, 2013 / 62 No. 07
Updated Recommendations for Use of Tdap in Pregnant Women - ACIP, 2012
This report summarizes data considered and conclusions made by ACIP and provides guidance for implementing its recommendations...
February 1, 2013 / 62 No. 04
Noninfluenza Vaccination Coverage Among Adults - United States, 2011
This report summarizes the results of that analysis for pneumococcal vaccine, tetanus toxoid–containing vaccines (including tetanus and diphtheria toxoid [Td] with acellular pertussis vaccine [Tdap]), and...
February 1, 2013 / 62 No. 04
QuickStats: Percentage of Adults Aged ≥65 Years Who Had Ever Received a Pneumococcal Vaccination, by Selected Race/Ethnicity - NHIS, United States, 2000 - 2011
The percentage of adults aged ≥65 years who had ever received a pneumococcal vaccination increased from 56.8% in 2000 to 66.5% in 2011 among non-Hispanic whites, from 30.5% in 2000 to 47.6% in 2011 among non-Hispanic blacks, and...

January 2013
January 29, 2013, Vol 62 / Early Release
Noninfluenza Vaccination Coverage Among Adults - United States, 2011
To assess adult (aged =19 years) vaccination coverage for select vaccines, CDC analyzed data from the 2011 National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). This report summarizes the results of that analysis...
January 28, 2013, Vol 62 / Early Release
ACIP Recommended Immunization Schedules for Persons Aged 0 Through 18 years and Adults Aged 19 Years and Older - United States, 2013
Each year, recommendations for routine use of vaccines in children, adolescents, and adults in the United States are developed by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP). This year, for the first time, recommended immunization schedules for persons aged 0 through 18 years and adults aged 19 years and older are being published together...
January 25, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 03
Progress in Immunization Information Systems - United States, 2011
Child participation in IIS and completeness of data for vaccine manufacturer and lot number in IIS increased steadily from 2006 to 2011. Despite this progress, challenges remain to meeting...
January 25, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 03
Infant Meningococcal Vaccination: ACIP Recommendations and Rationale
This report summarizes the deliberations of ACIP, the rationale for its decision, and recommendations for use of Hib-MenCY-TT in infants at increased risk for meningococcal disease...
January 18, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 02
Global Control and Regional Elimination of Measles, 2000 - 2011
Widespread use of measles vaccine since 1980 has led to a substantial decline in global measles morbidity and mortality; measles elimination has been achieved and sustained in the World Health Organization (WHO) Region...
January 18, 2013, Vol 62 / No. 02
Early Estimates of Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness - United States, January 2013
Early data from 1,155 children and adults with ARI [acute respiratory infection] enrolled during December 3, 2012–January 2, 2013 were used to estimate the overall effectiveness of seasonal influenza vaccine...
January 11, 2013, Vol 61 / Early Release
Early Estimates of Seasonal Influenza Vaccine Effectiveness - United States, January 2013
After adjustment for study site, but not for other factors, the estimated vaccine effectiveness (VE) was 62% (95% confidence intervals [CIs] = 51%–71%). This interim estimates indicates moderate effectiveness...
January 4, 2013, Vol 61 / No. 51
Notes from the Field: Serogroup C Invasive Meningococcal Disease Among Men Who Have Sex With Men - New York City, 2010-2012
On October 4, 2012, DOHMH recommended administration of meningococcal vaccine to HIV-infected male NYC residents who had intimate contact with any man met online, through a smartphone application, or at a bar or party since September 1, 2012...
January 4, 2013, Vol 61 / No. 51
Announcement: Cervical Cancer Awareness Month - January 2013
Cervical cancer is highly preventable because screening tests for cervical cancer and vaccines to prevent human papillomavirus (HPV), which is the main cause of cervical cancer, are available...
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