The National Institute on Aging (NIA), which leads a broad scientific effort to understand the nature of aging and to extend the healthy, active years of life, is also the primary federal agency for research on Alzheimer's disease and related memory research.
- An analysis funded by the NIA finds that the costs of caring for people with dementia in the United States in 2010 were between $159 billion to $215 billion, and those costs could rise dramatically with the increase in the numbers of older people in coming decades.
- A recent study supported by funding from the NIA found that a variant of a gene involved in cholesterol and lipid production is associated with significantly higher risk of late-onset Alzheimer's disease in African Americans than in non-Hispanic whites of European ancestry. Although preliminary, the findings suggest that the two racial groups may have different genetic risk profiles for the most common form of Alzheimer's dementia.
- The Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative (ADNI), a landmark study in the early detection of Alzheimer's, is seeking volunteers for a new study related to memory concerns. Researchers are recruiting people 65 to 90 years old with a "significant memory concern" but no signs of memory loss or other cognitive impairment. Volunteers will undergo neurological testing and brain imaging. To find out more details on how you can participate, call 1–800–438–4380 or visit
- People with Alzheimer's disease, mild cognitive impairment (MCI), or a family history of Alzheimer's may be able to take part in clinical trials, a type of research study. Healthy people with no memory problems or family history of Alzheimer's also may be able to participate in clinical trials.
Joining a clinical trial or other research study is a way to help fight Alzheimer's disease and other memory diseases and conditions. To find out more: Call the Alzheimer's Disease Education and Referral (ADEAR) Center at 1–800–438–4380;
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Understanding Memory Loss / Memory Conditions at a Glance / NIH Research
Understanding Memory Loss / Memory Conditions at a Glance / NIH Research
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