jueves, 15 de agosto de 2013

MMWR News Synopsis for August 15, 2013

MMWR News Synopsis for August 15, 2013

MMWR News Synopsis for August 15, 2013

MMWR – Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report

MMWR News Synopsis for August, 15, 2013

1. Adenovirus-Associated Epidemic Keratoconjunctivitis Outbreaks — Four States, 2008–2010
Outbreaks of human adenovirus (HAdV)-associated epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC) can result in significant illness in healthcare and community settings. Healthcare providers should be aware of EKC, practice infection control measures, and promptly respond to and report clusters of cases. Six outbreaks of epidemic keratoconjunctivitis (EKC), a highly contagious, severe form of conjunctivitis, were reported to the CDC from 2008 to 2010.
2. Human Rabies — South Carolina, 2011
Human rabies is a rare disease in the United States, but can occur even in communities where there has not been a single human case in decades. In recent years, most U.S. human rabies infections have been acquired from bats. A rabies risk assessment is recommended for any person reporting potential exposure to a bat due to the possibility of an unrecognized bite. This report documents the first case of human rabies in South Carolina in more than 50 years.
3. Locations and Reasons for Testing Among Hepatitis C Patients — Chronic Hepatitis Cohort Study, United States, 2006–2010
CDC recommendations for hepatitis C virus (HCV) testing, which call for one-time testing of all adults born from 1945 through 1965 as well as testing for those with risk factors, can facilitate timely identification of HCV infections as well as reduce HCV-related morbidity and mortality. To better understand where persons seek testing for HCV and reasons for testing, data were analyzed from the Chronic Hepatitis Cohort Study, an ongoing study of patients with confirmed infection receiving care at four U.S. healthcare systems.
4. Notes from the Field
Repeat Syphilis Infection and HIV Coinfection Among Men Who Have Sex With Men — Baltimore, Maryland, 2010-2011

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