martes, 23 de agosto de 2011

NIMH · Borderline Personality Disorder

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NIMH · Borderline Personality Disorder: Borderline Personality Disorder

* Table of Contents
* What is borderline personality disorder?
* What are the symptoms of borderline personality disorder?
* When does borderline personality disorder start?
* What illnesses often co-exist with borderline personality disorder?
* What are the risk factors for borderline personality disorder?
* How is borderline personality disorder diagnosed?
* How is borderline personality disorder treated?
* How can I help a friend or relative who has borderline personality disorder?
* How can I help myself if I have borderline personality disorder?
* Where can I go for help?
* What if I or someone I know is in crisis?
* Citations
* For more information on borderline personality disorder

View the complete publication
Cover image for borderline personality disorder

A booklet describing the signs, symptoms, treatment options, and current research on borderline personality disorder.

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