October 19, 2011
The monthly rate of pre-39 week deliveries without appropriate medical indication decreased from 25% to less than 5% [http://opqc.net/webfm_send/148?source=govdelivery ] in Ohio hospitals participating in the Ohio Perinatal Quality Collaborative intervention program [ToolKit | OPQC].
Elective deliveries before 39 weeks decreased by 44% [North Carolina Chapter: News Desk] in North Carolina hospitals that were part of the 39 Weeks Collaborative.
As of October 1, Texas Medicaid [TAFP: In the news...Texas Medicaid announces changes to obstetrical delivery procedure codes, elective deliveries] is denying claims for any induction or cesarean delivery before 39 weeks if not medically necessary and properly documented.
* New ASTHO president Dr. David Lakey’s challenge is focused on reducing infant mortality:
The Healthy Baby Project State Public Health ASTHO
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