sábado, 8 de agosto de 2020

Think Fungus: Fungal Disease Awareness Week | Fungal Diseases | CDC

Think Fungus: Fungal Disease Awareness Week | Fungal Diseases | CDC

Think Fungus: Fungal Disease Awareness Week

Banner for Fungal Disease Awareness Week September 21-25, 2020
Fungal Disease Awareness Week is September 21-25, 2020. CDC and partners have organized this week to highlight the importance of recognizing serious fungal diseases early enough in the course of a patient’s illness to provide life-saving treatment. Some fungal diseases go undiagnosed and cause serious infections in people in the United States and around the world, leading to illness and death. Increased awareness about fungal diseases is one of the most important ways we can improve early recognition and reduce delays in diagnosis and treatment. A key clue to when a sick person may have a fungal infection is that he or she is being treated with medications for other types of infection but does not get better.
This year, CDC is focusing is on three fungal diseases that can feel like the flu or pneumonia: Valley fever (coccidioidomycosis)histoplasmosis, and blastomycosis. These diseases are widely under-recognized and misdiagnosed and can cause devastating illness, even in previously healthy people. People who know about these diseases typically receive earlier diagnosis and proper treatment.
We encourage healthcare providers and their patients to “Think Fungus” when symptoms of infection do not get better with treatment.
Join us in sharing information to increase awareness in your community about fungal diseases. The quicker doctors can diagnose the right illness, the quicker a patient can be treated the right way.
Fungal Disease Materials
Fungal Disease Awareness week facebook/instagram square image with logo

Fungal Disease Awareness Week

Download fungal infection graphic of man for social media

Some Fungal Infections Can Feel Like The Flu

Download fungal infection graphic of woman for social media

Pneumonia Not Getting Better With Antibiotics

asking your doctor about valley fever

Pneumonia Not Getting Better With Antibiotics

Valley fever
asking your doctor about histoplasmosisc and lastomycosis

Pneumonia Not Getting Better With Antibiotics

Histoplasmosis and Blastomycosis
Image showing button on Think Fungus. Save Lives.

Think fungus. Save lives.

Image showing button on Valley Fever symptoms cough fever exhausted and living in or traveled to the Southwest

Valley fever: Cough? Fever? Exhausted?

Image showing button for download on Candida auris: Learn how you can stop it from spreading.

Candida auris

Image showing button for download on Cryptococcal Meningitis. A deadly fungal disease in people with HIV/AIDS.

Cryptococcal meningitis

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