miércoles, 12 de septiembre de 2018

Medical News | Medical Articles - Genetics - Sep 12, 2018 Edition

Medical News | Medical Articles

 September 12, 2018 
 The latest Genetics news from News Medical 
 Family genetic background essential for understanding autism progressionFamily genetic background essential for understanding autism progression
Whether an individual develops a neurodevelopmental disorder like autism or ADHD and the severity of that disorder depends on genetic changes beyond a single supposedly disease-causing mutation.
   Using novel gene therapy to cure infants born with severe combined immunodeficiencyUsing novel gene therapy to cure infants born with severe combined immunodeficiency
Out of every 60,000 births, a baby arrives to face the world without a fully functioning immune system leaving them unequipped to fight even the most common infections.
   Genome-wide association study reveals potential genes behind diverticular diseaseGenome-wide association study reveals potential genes behind diverticular disease
More than half of adults in the Western hemisphere over the age of 40 have small bulging pouches inside their intestine known as diverticula. Caused by weakening of the outer lining of the intestine, these pouches are typically harmless.
 Link discovered between tumor genome changes and mortality risk across cancer types
Link discovered between tumor genome changes and mortality risk across cancer typesResearchers have discovered a link between certain changes in the genome of a tumor and increased chances of death across multiple types of cancer.
 Genetics study uncovers key factors for fracture risk in osteoporosis
Genetics study uncovers key factors for fracture risk in osteoporosisThe largest study ever to investigate the genetics of osteoporosis and fracture risk determined that only two examined factors - bone mineral density and muscle strength - play a potentially causal role in the risk of suffering osteoporotic fracture, a major health problem affecting more than 9 million people worldwide very year.
 New survey reveals public attitudes towards commercial use of genetic data samples
New survey reveals public attitudes towards commercial use of genetic data samplesThe almost 5 million people who paid to get their DNA analyzed by the company 23andMe recently found out that their genetic data and related health information might have been sold to a major drug company.
 Genetic variants influence heart rate and blood pressure responses to exercise
Genetic variants influence heart rate and blood pressure responses to exerciseYour genes can determine how your heart rate and blood pressure respond to exercise – and may act as an early warning of future problems with your heart or blood vessels – according to new research published in The Journal of Physiology.
 Muscle dystrophy treatment in dogs with Crispr gene editing
Muscle dystrophy treatment in dogs with Crispr gene editingResearchers in the United States have shown that genetically caused muscular dystrophy in dogs could be corrected using genetic editing tools. Muscular dystrophy is one of the most common fatal genetic conditions seen in children and is also seen in dogs

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