Ebola Spotlight
Ebola, previously known as Ebola hemorrhagic fever, is a rare and deadly disease caused by infection with one of the Ebola virus strains. Ebola can cause disease in humans and nonhuman primates (monkeys, gorillas, and chimpanzees).
Ebola is caused by infection with a virus of the family Filoviridae, genus Ebolavirus. There are five identified Ebola virus species, four of which are known to cause disease in humans. Ebola viruses are found in several African countries. Ebola was first discovered in 1976 near the Ebola River in what is now the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Before the current situation, outbreaks have appeared sporadically in Africa.
The natural reservoir host of Ebola virus remains unknown. However, on the basis of evidence and the nature of similar viruses, researchers believe that the virus is animal-borne and that bats are the most likely reservoir. Four of the five virus strains occur in an animal host native to Africa.
The Emerging Infectious Diseases journal has published many articles on Ebola. The journal published its first Ebola article in 1995, volume 1, issue number 3. Reemergence of Ebola Virus in Africa
Click on the links below to learn more about this important topic.
Vesicular Stomatitis Virus–based Vaccines against Lassa and Ebola Viruses Marzi A, et al. (2015, Volume 21, Number 2)
Biomarker Correlates of Survival in Pediatric Patients with Ebola Virus Disease McElroy AK, et al. (2014, Volume 20, Number 10)
Lifting the Impenetrable Veil: From Yellow Fever to Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever and SARS Calisher CH. (2014, Volume 20, Number 3)
Ebola Virus Antibodies in Fruit Bats, Bangladesh Olival KJ, et al. (2013, Volume 19, Number 2)
Reemerging Sudan Ebola Virus Disease in Uganda, 2011 Shoemaker T, et al. (2012, Volume 18, Number 9)
Ebola Virus Antibodies in Fruit Bats, Ghana, West Africa Hayman DTS, et al. (2012, Volume 18, Number 7)
Reston Ebolavirus Antibodies in Bats, the Philippines Taniguchi S, et al. (2011, Volume 17, Number 8)
Proportion of Deaths and Clinical Features in Bundibugyo Ebola Virus Infection, Uganda MacNeil A, et al. (2010, Volume 16, Number 12)
Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever Associated with Novel Virus Strain, Uganda, 2007–2008 Wamala JF, et al. (2010, Volume 16, Number 7)
Immunoglobulin G in Ebola Outbreak Survivors, Gabon Wauquier N et al. (2009, Volume 15, Number 7)
Managing Potential Laboratory Exposure to Ebola Virus by Using a Patient Biocontainment Care Unit Kortepeter MG, et al. (2008, Volume 14, Number 6)
Ebola Virus Antibody Prevalence in Dogs and Human Risk Allela L, et al. (2005, Volume 11, Number 3)
Wild Animal Mortality Monitoring and Human Ebola Outbreaks, Gabon and Republic of Congo, 2001–2003 Rouquet P, et al. (2005, Volume 11, Number 2)
Pygmy Populations Seronegative for Marburg Virus Borchert M, et al. (2005, Volume 11, Number 1)
Infectious Diseases and Maternal Morbidity and Mortality Finnegan LP, et al. (2004, Volume 10, Number 11)
New and Emerging Zoonoses Pappaioanou M, et al. (2004, Volume 10, Number 11)
Ecologic and Geographic Distribution of Filovirus Disease Peterson AT, et al. (2004, Volume 10, Number 1)
Cultural Contexts of Ebola in Northern Uganda Hewlett BS and Amola RP. (2003, Volume 9, Number 10)
Ebola and Marburg Viruses: A View of Infection Using Electron Microscopy Rollin PE. (2004, Volume 10, Number 8)
Ebola-Poe: A Modern-Day Parallel of the Red Death? Vora SK and Ramanan SV. (2002, Volume 8, Number 12)
Evaluation in Nonhuman Primates of Vaccines against Ebola Virus Geisbert TW, et al. (2002, Volume 8, Number 5)
Risk for Ebola Virus Infection in Côte d'Ivoire Kunii O, et al. (1999, Volume 5, Number 2)
Unrecognized Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever at Mosango Hospital during the 1995 Epidemic in Kikwit, Democratic Republic of the Congo Bonnet M-J, et al. (1998, Volume 4, Number 3)
Ebola/Athens Revisited Olson PE, et al. (1998, Volume 4, Number 1)
Isolation and Phylogenetic Characterization of Ebola Viruses Causing Different Outbreaks in Gabon Georges-Courbot M-C, et al.(1997, Volume 3, Number 1)
Immunostaining of Ebola Virus Antigens Zaki SR. (1997, Volume 3, Number 1)
Experimental Inoculation of Plants and Animals with Ebola Virus Swanepoel SR, et al. (1996, Volume 2, Number 4)
DNA Vaccines for Emerging Infectious Diseases: What If? Whalen RG. (1996, Volume 2, Number 3)
The Thucydides Syndrome: Ebola Déjà Vu? (or Ebola Reemergent?) Olson PE, et al. (1996, Volume 2, Number 2)
Reemergence of Ebola Virus in Africa Sanchez A, et al. (1995, Volume 1, Number 3)
Biomarker Correlates of Survival in Pediatric Patients with Ebola Virus Disease (2014, Volume 20, Number 10)
Reemerging Sudan Ebola Virus Disease in Uganda, 2011 (2012, Volume 18, Number 9)
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