lunes, 10 de noviembre de 2014

CHEST: Study shows possible diagnostic biomarker that may detect lung cancer

CHEST: Study shows possible diagnostic biomarker that may detect lung cancer

Univadis - un servicio de MSD

CHEST: Study shows possible diagnostic biomarker that may detect lung cancer

  • RSi Communications
  • logo conference-reports

as presented at CHEST, the annual meeting of the American College of Chest Physicians
A new study shows that patients with stage I to stage III non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) have different metabolite profiles in their blood than those of patients who are at risk but do not have lung cancer. The study was presented at CHEST, held in October in Austin, Texas.
Researchers at the Cleveland Clinic in Cleveland studied the blood serum of 284 subjects, 48% of whom were female with a mean age of 68 years. The subjects were diagnosed with adenocarcinoma or squamous lung cancer: 44% of those at stage I, 17% at stage II, and 39% at stage III. A control group of 194 patient who matched the cancer patients in age, gender, smoking history, COPD, diabetes, and blood lipids were at risk for lung cancer but did not have the disease. There were 534 metabolites identified, 149 of which differed significantly between the cancer and control groups. 
“Our study results showed that patients with lung cancer have altered metabolic processes,” said Peter J. Mazzone, MD, FCCP, Director of the Lung Cancer Program for the Respiratory Institute at Cleveland Clinic. “This information could lead to the development of a diagnostic biomarker for early detection of lung cancer.”

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