sábado, 5 de julio de 2014

ATSDR - Toxprofile: Toxicological Profile Information Sheet

ATSDR - Toxprofile: Toxicological Profile Information Sheet

Toxicological Profiles

Information About Contaminants Found at Hazardous Waste Sites
2012 ToxProfiles on Disc   ToxProfiles on Disc
 - Request a copy

Substance Index for ToxProfiles

Finalized toxicological profiles by chemical with NTIS order number. Updates are in bold.
* denotes tox profiles funded by the Department of Defense.

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D
  5. E
  6. F
  7. G
  8. H
  9. I
  10. J
  11. L
  12. M
  13. N
  14. O
  15. P
  16. R
  17. S
  18. T
  19. U
  20. V
  21. W
  22. X
  23. Z























  • Lead (Updated) (PB2008-100007)























  • Xylenes (Updated) (PB2008-100008)



  • Zinc (Updated) (PB2006-100008)


By Congressional mandate, the Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry (ATSDR) produces "toxicological profiles" for hazardous substances found at National Priorities List (NPL) sites. These hazardous substances are ranked based on frequency of occurrence at NPL sites, toxicity, and potential for human exposure. Toxicological profiles are developed from a priority list of 275 substances. ATSDR also prepares toxicological profiles for the Department of Defense (DOD) and the Department of Energy (DOE) on substances related to federal sites.
So far, 326 toxicological profiles have been published or are under development as “finals” or “drafts for public comment”; 300 profiles were published as finals; 140 profiles have been updated. Currently, 7 profiles are being revised based on public comments received; 12 profiles under development These profiles cover more than 300 substances.
Toxicological profiles are developed in two stages:
(1) DRAFTS: The toxicological profiles are first produced as drafts. ATSDR announces in the Federal Register the release of these draft profiles for a 90 day public comment period. Request draft toxicological profiles from ATSDR's Division of Toxicology and Human Health Sciences.
(2) FINALS: After the 90 day comment period, ATSDR considers incorporating all comments into the documents. ATSDR finalizes the profiles. Profiles are available online at:http://www.atsdr.cdc.gov/toxprofiles/index.asp or on CD-ROM

NTIS address

NTIS distributes finalized toxicological profiles for a fee. For more information, contact 
National Technical Information Service 
5285 Port Royal Road
Springfield, Virginia 22161
1-800-553 6847 or 703-605-6000
Web site: http://www.ntis.govExternal Web Site Icon
Toxicological profiles "Draft for Public Comment" - CERCLA Set 24
The public comment period has ended and the profiles will be revised based on relevant public comments.

Toxicological profiles (under development) – CERCLA Set 25
The public comment period has ended and the profiles will be revised based on relevant public comments.

Toxicological profiles (under development) – CERCLA Set 26

Toxicological profiles (under development) – CERCLA Set 27

Department of Defense (under development) – DoD5

List updated on June 20, 2014

Federal Register Notices:

Profile Development:

Additional Resources:

  • ATSDR ToxProfiles™ CD-ROM  - The toxicological profiles are also available as a complete set on CD-ROM.
  • Public Health Statements (PHS) - The PHS are a series of summaries about hazardous substances taken from Chapter One of their respective ATSDR Toxicological Profiles.
  • ATSDR ToxFAQs™ - The ToxFAQs™ are a series of 2-page fact sheets about hazardous substances
  • ATSDR ToxGuides - The ATSDR ToxGuides™ are quick reference guides providing information such as chemical and physical properties, sources of exposure, routes of exposure, minimal risk levels, children's health, and health effects.
To request a copy of the ToxProfiles™ CD-ROM, PHS, or ToxFAQs™ call 1-800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) or email your request to cdcinfo@cdc.gov.
For more information on the above listed publications, write
Further information can be obtained by contacting the ATSDR Information Center at:
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry 
Division of Toxicology and Human Health Sciences
1600 Clifton Road NE, Mailstop F-57
Atlanta, GA 30333 
Phone: 1-800-CDC-INFO 888-232-6348 (TTY) 
Email: Contact CDC-INFO
For more information
You may call the ATSDR toll free number at 1-800-CDC-INFO (800-232-4636) or 1-888-232-6348 (TTY) to get information about Division of Toxicology and Human Health Sciences programs. .
ATSDR Internet home page via World Wide Webhttp://www.atsdr.cdc.gov
The profiles, public health statements, ToxFAQs™ and other information are available on the Internet.

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