What is PRAMS?
PRAMS, the Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System, is a surveillance project of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and state health departments. PRAMS collects state-specific, population-based data on maternal attitudes and experiences before, during, and shortly after pregnancy.
PRAMS Topics
The goal of the PRAMS project is to improve the health of mothers and infants by reducing adverse outcomes.
The PRAMS questionnaire has two parts—core questions that are asked by all states and standard questions developed by CDC.
For Researchers
Researchers may request the PRAMS Analytic Research File for studies that involve multiple states by submitting a proposal to CDC.
Frequently Asked Questions
Listing of questions most commonly asked by mothers regarding PRAMS.Methodology
PRAMS surveillance system is a standardized data collection system.
Participating States
Forty states and New York City currently participate in PRAMS.
Data to Action Success Stories
PRAMS surveillance data can be incorporated into public health decision making or translated in a variety of ways.
MMWRs and other PRAMS publications.
Monitoring seasonal influenza vaccination coverage among pregnant women in the United States.
Source: Am J Obstet Gynecol. 2012;(3 Suppl):S9-16.
Breastfeeding Practices: Does Method of Delivery Matter?
Source: Matern Child Health J. 2012 [Epub ahead of print].
Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Pregnant Women—29 States and New York City, 2009–2010 Season. Source: MMWR 2012;61(07);113–118.
Prepregnancy Contraceptive Use Among Teens with Unintended Pregnancies Resulting in Live Births—Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), 2004–2008. Source: MMWR 2012;61(02);25–29.
Birth outcomes of intended pregnancies among women who used assisted reproductive technology, ovulation stimulation, or no treatment.
Fertil Steril. 2011;96(2):314–320.e2. Epub 2011 Jun 30.
Maternity care practices and breastfeeding experiences of women in different racial and ethnic groups: Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System (PRAMS).
Maternal Child Health J. 2011 Aug. [Epub ahead of print]
Breastfeeding Practices: Does Method of Delivery Matter?
Influenza Vaccination Coverage Among Pregnant Women—29 States and New York City, 2009–2010 Season. Source: MMWR 2012;61(07);113–118.
Prepregnancy Contraceptive Use Among Teens with Unintended Pregnancies Resulting in Live Births—Pregnancy Risk Assessment Monitoring System (PRAMS), 2004–2008. Source: MMWR 2012;61(02);25–29.
Birth outcomes of intended pregnancies among women who used assisted reproductive technology, ovulation stimulation, or no treatment.
Maternity care practices and breastfeeding experiences of women in different racial and ethnic groups: Pregnancy Risk Assessment and Monitoring System (PRAMS).
Protecting Babies from Flu One of the best ways a pregnant woman can take care of her unborn child is by taking care of herself. Because expectant mothers are at increased risk of severe complications from influenza, CDC recommends they get an annual flu vaccine.
Pre-birth Preventive Care
One of the best ways an expectant mother can care for her unborn child is to take care of herself. A recent CDC report found that there are gaps in the services women receive during pregnancy.
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