A day in my shoes. - Narcolepsy community - RareConnect
A day in my shoes.
A teen mother, a medical assistant, twenty years old, after years of wondering finally came my answer.
Written by
cherae, published 8 days ago.

When I was in high school my freshman year I was full of life and energy. I was althletic and was on the varsity squad in cheerleading, cheering on our football players. Hanging out with friends and always on the go but come my sophmore year I started to notice a bit of change in my lifestyle. I found myself never wanting to do much, and constantly needing a nap after school. Not soon after I got pregnant at age sixteen so I thought my symptoms of always being tired was related to being pregnant. Even after my son was born I found myself still always wanting to sleep but what mother of a newborn isnt tired? I struggled with daily issues, constantly fighting to stay awake but i forced myself into a habit to making myself. I still raised my son on my own and graduated high school and went on to college. My symptoms gradually got worse but with the help of my friends i managed to get throught college with flying colors. Luckly I had some wonderful friends that I could call if i was starting to fall asleep during the day and I knew I wouldnt be able to stay awake, they would drop what they was doing and come over to help with my son and I would even wake up to dinner done and a clean house. I went to a few Dr's trying to find answers but they all seemed to think it was related to my high TSH levels. But finally I found the one Dr that put out a helping hand, when i went to her and told her i just couldnt do it anymore. I recently just went to my sleep study and during my MSLT they actually told me that I didnt need to stay for any more naps cause during my first three naps I had fallen into RIM which indicates narcolepsy. I have been put on medication and it has changed my life so much. I had forgotten what it feels like to have a life, go out do things, to live a normal twenty year old life. Its heartbreaking to know that all this time this was the condition and no one wanted to listen to me as it was slowly taking over my life. It ruined my relationships with significant others, family, friends. I feel like i missed out on so much in my young years becasue i didnt have the energy to get up and go or I was home sleeping. Im here sharing my story because i wanna connect with other young girls, to show even though we do suffer from this sleep condition all things are possible. All things aside from getting pregnant at 16 to graduating high school going on to college and graduating all with living with the condition of narcolepsy, never doubt yourself you can do anything you put your mind to , a good support system is a life changing factor, i couldnt have done any of this with out my friends. I may struggle from narcolepsy but i refuse to let it take over my life.
Written by
cherae, published 8 days ago.
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