martes, 6 de noviembre de 2012

NIH News in Health, November 2012

NIH News in Health, November 2012

Your Microbes and You
The Good, Bad and Ugly

Cartoon of battling bacteria that look like pirates and seafaring adventurers. Trillions of microscopic creatures—like bacteria, fungi and viruses—are living in and on your body right now. We tend to focus on destroying bad microbes. But taking care of good ones may be even more important. Read more about your body's microbes.

Gut Feelings About Gastritis
When Your Stomach’s Sick

Illustration of a woman pushing away spicy tacos and hot sauce. Your stomach lining has an important job. It makes acid and proteins that help break down the foods you eat. But when the lining gets inflamed—a condition called gastritis—it can cause long-term problems. Read more about gastritis.

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