martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

National Guideline Clearinghouse | Putting evidence into practice: evidence-based interventions for the prevention and management of constipation in patients with cancer.

Guideline Title
Putting evidence into practice: evidence-based interventions for the prevention and management of constipation in patients with cancer.

Bibliographic Source(s)
Woolery M, Bisanz A, Lyons HF, Gaido L, Yenulevich M, Fulton S, McMillan SC. Putting evidence into practice: evidence-based interventions for the prevention and management of constipation in patients with cancer. Clin J Oncol Nurs 2008 Apr;12(2):317-37. [122 references] PubMed

Guideline Status
This is the current release of the guideline.

National Guideline Clearinghouse | Putting evidence into practice: evidence-based interventions for the prevention and management of constipation in patients with cancer.

Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2008 Apr;12(2):317-37.

Putting evidence into practice: evidence-based interventions for the prevention and management of constipation in patients with cancer.
Woolery M, Bisanz A, Lyons HF, Gaido L, Yenulevich M, Fulton S, McMillan SC.

National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA


Constipation is a major source of distress for patients with cancer, significantly affecting quality of life. It can be secondary to disease sequelae, side effects of treatment, or preexisting conditions. It often is unrecognized, underassessed, and ineffectively managed. Nurses play a key role in the prevention and management of constipation and need evidence-based interventions. This article summarizes the existing research evidence for constipation interventions and identifies gaps. Many of the strategies have been evaluated in nononcology populations; researchers should evaluate their effectiveness in oncology populations.
Putting evidence into practice: evidence-based int... [Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2008] - PubMed result

PMID: 18390467 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Free Article
Oncology Nursing Society - Journal Article

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