martes, 22 de marzo de 2011

National Guideline Clearinghouse | Putting evidence into practice: interventions for depression.

Guideline Title
Putting evidence into practice: interventions for depression.

Bibliographic Source(s)
Fulcher CD, Badger T, Gunter AK, Marrs JA, Reese JM. Putting evidence into practice: interventions for depression. Clin J Oncol Nurs 2008 Feb;12(1):131-40. [46 references] PubMed

Guideline Status
This is the current release of the guideline.

National Guideline Clearinghouse | Putting evidence into practice: interventions for depression.

Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2008 Feb;12(1):131-40.

Putting evidence into practice: interventions for depression.
Fulcher CD, Badger T, Gunter AK, Marrs JA, Reese JM.

Department of Advanced Clinical Practice, Duke University Health System, Durham, NC, USA
Republished in:

ONS Connect. 2008 Feb;23(2):22-3.

Depression and depressive symptoms are prevalent in people with cancer, yet interventions for depression are a low priority for most oncology care providers. Barriers to diagnosis and treatment include beliefs by patients and providers that depression is an expected correlate of cancer diagnosis, the reluctance of patients to share psychological concerns, and the reticence of some professionals to assess patients with cancer for depressive symptoms in the midst of busy oncology settings. Intervening to diminish depressive symptoms in people with cancer is important because depression has been associated with poorer quality of life, recovery, and possibly survival. This article reviews and summarizes the evidence for pharmacologic and nonpharmacologic interventions for people with cancer and depression and identifies opportunities for future research and practice change.
Putting evidence into practice: interventions for ... [Clin J Oncol Nurs. 2008] - PubMed result

PMID: 18258583 [PubMed - indexed for MEDLINE]
Free Article
Oncology Nursing Society - Journal Article

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