sábado, 31 de agosto de 2024

New study highlights potential of childhood immunization against HIV


Fibrin fuels thromboinflammation and brain damage in COVID-19

https://www.news-medical.net/news/20240829/Fibrin-fuels-thromboinflammation-and-brain-damage-in-COVID-19.aspx Uncovering the molecular interactions between fibrin and the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein, researchers pave the way for targeted therapies that could curb the devastating effects of long COVID.



Cancer Risk in Young Adults: A Growing Concern By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on August 31, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/family-health/cancer-risk-in-young-adults-a-growing-concern/


Omalizumab: Turning Food Allergies into Non-Events By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on August 30, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/medical-breakthroughs/omalizumab-turning-food-allergies-into-non-events/



Back Pain Blunders: Top Mistakes People Make By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on September 8, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=34050&preview=1&_ppp=ed12c635d7


More Nasal Spray Medications: Are Vaccines Next? By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on September 8, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=34047&preview=1&_ppp=5d14bac0ef


Schizophrenia: Shattering the Stigma By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on September 7, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=34044&preview=1&_ppp=958ec07d69


Health Trackers: Smart Phone Pro’s & Con’s By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on September 7, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=34041&preview=1&_ppp=911f61aeb0


Sepsis: The Rise of a Silent Killer By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on September 6, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=34038&preview=1&_ppp=819b7a8d49


Too Old for Back Surgery? By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on September 5, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=34035&preview=1&_ppp=1908fe989b


Cancer Screening Guidelines = Earlier Detection By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on September 4, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=34032&preview=1&_ppp=58d1e2017c


RSV: The Truth By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on September 3, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=34029&preview=1&_ppp=7e1587bed3


Saving Our First Responders By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on September 2, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=34026&preview=1&_ppp=a27efaa0c9

Simultaneous quantitation of neutralizing antibodies against all four dengue virus serotypes using optimized reporter virus particles

https://journals.asm.org/doi/10.1128/jvi.00681-24?utm_campaign=+62003350&utm_content=&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery&utm_term= Because there are four types of dengue viruses, each capable of causing human disease via mosquito bites, scientists have struggled to develop one antibody test to accurately recognize each virus. The four virus types also have challenged scientists trying to develop effective dengue vaccines and treatments, none of which exist. Progress could change though, as a recent study published in the Journal of Virology by NIAID scientists explains. The group describes improvements made to a single test (TetraPlex RVPNT) that provides simultaneous measures of infection-related antibody responses against all four virus types from a single clinical sample. The researchers say the advance could eliminate the current need for cumbersome repeated testing for each virus type. Further, they say, the improvements make the test favorable to use in dengue epidemiology and vaccine studies to quickly evaluate antibody responses. They refer to the test as “a transformative tool.”

Single blood test predicts 30-year cardiovascular disease risks for women Measuring inflammation and lipids in midlife may support earlier detection, treatment,

Single blood test predicts 30-year cardiovascular disease risks for women Measuring inflammation and lipids in midlife may support earlier detection, treatment, https://www.nih.gov/news-events/news-releases/single-blood-test-predicts-30-year-cardiovascular-disease-risks-women

Obesity makes people more likely to catch COVID, study suggests: ‘Indisputable relationship’ In addition to making symptoms worse, obesity is now linked to higher risk of initial infection Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 29, 2024 1:51pm EDT

Obesity makes people more likely to catch COVID, study suggests: ‘Indisputable relationship’ In addition to making symptoms worse, obesity is now linked to higher risk of initial infection Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 29, 2024 1:51pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/obesity-makes-people-likely-catch-covid-study-indisputable-relationship

Mother frantic to save clinical trial that could cure her daughter: ‘The treatment is sitting in a fridge' Rare disease gradually robs children of speech, cognition and movement — and is ultimately fatal Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 30, 2024 4:30am EDT

Mother frantic to save clinical trial that could cure her daughter: ‘The treatment is sitting in a fridge' Rare disease gradually robs children of speech, cognition and movement — and is ultimately fatal Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 30, 2024 4:30am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/mother-frantic-save-clinical-trial-could-cure-daughter-treatment-sitting-fridge

Sleeping longer on weekends could lower heart disease risk by 20%, study finds People who experience inadequate sleep on weekdays can benefit from weekend catchups Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 30, 2024 6:00am EDT

Sleeping longer on weekends could lower heart disease risk by 20%, study finds People who experience inadequate sleep on weekdays can benefit from weekend catchups Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 30, 2024 6:00am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/sleeping-longer-weekends-could-lower-heart-disease-risk-study

‘Is it bad to skip breakfast if I’m not hungry?’: Ask a doctor An expert offers 5 lighter options to kick-start your metabolism in the morning Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 30, 2024 5:06pm EDT

‘Is it bad to skip breakfast if I’m not hungry?’: Ask a doctor An expert offers 5 lighter options to kick-start your metabolism in the morning Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 30, 2024 5:06pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/is-bad-skip-breakfast-not-hungry-ask-doctor

viernes, 30 de agosto de 2024

ESC consensus statement highlights obesity's impact on cardiovascular disease


New ESC guidelines integrate management of aortic and peripheral arterial diseases


New consensus on assessing carcinogenic risks of gene therapies


Engineered stem cells help paralyzed mice walk again | Drug Discovery News

Engineered stem cells help paralyzed mice walk again | Drug Discovery News: Scientists recovered movement in mouse models of spinal cord injury.

Potential antitumoral effects of Manuka honey in breast cancer models


Vitamin D deficiency linked to higher cancer mortality


Researchers reveal impact of genetic ancestry on breast cancer risk and cell diversity


Clinical Trials Update from NCI, August 2024


Cannabis and hallucinogen use among adults remained at historic highs in 2023 Vaping among younger adults and binge drinking among mid-life adults also maintained historically high levels, NIH-supported study shows.


Improving the Assessment of Risk Factors Relevant to Potential Carcinogenicity of Gene Therapies: A Consensus Article


Growing the Cancer Research Pipeline by Expanding Opportunities


Metastatic Cancer | Mental Health Resources | Test for Alzheimer’s | Psoriasis | Overdose Medications


NIH Women's Health Roundtable Series: Maternal Mental Health Research Elevating Women's Voices to Improve Maternal Mental Health September 16, 2024 12:00 - 4:30 PM ET

https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/cu/VF9rOqX/September16Webinarhttps://lp.constantcontactpages.com/cu/VF9rOqX/September16Webinar NIH Women's Health Roundtable: Maternal Mental Health Research Date/time: September 16, 2024,12:00–4:30 p.m. ET Location: Virtual Elevating Women's Voices to Improve Maternal Mental Health is the third event in the NIH Women’s Health Roundtable Series, which focuses on important women’s health topics, such as maternal mental health, as part of the White House Initiative on Women’s Health Research. This series was developed as a recommended action in response to the Presidential Memorandum to bring attention to priority topics within the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) and to disseminate information on federally supported research areas. The roundtable is also featured in the National Institute of Mental Health’s (NIMH) Office of Disparities Research and Workforce Diversity Webinar Series, which focuses on mental health equity research topics. The event is co-hosted by the NIH Office of Research on Women’s Health (ORWH) and NIMH.

Antioxidant Supplements: What You Need To Know

https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/antioxidant-supplements-what-you-need-to-know?nav=govd Antioxidant dietary supplements—particularly vitamin E and beta-carotene—have been extensively studied to see whether they can reduce the risks of chronic diseases associated with aging. For most of these diseases, such as heart disease, cancer, and cataracts, the supplements were not found to be effective. However, antioxidants have been shown to be helpful for the eye disease age-related macular degeneration, also called AMD. Two large studies sponsored by the National Institutes of Health showed that supplements that contain a combination of antioxidants and zinc may slow the progression of AMD to its advanced stage.

Meet the Director: Dr. Nora Volkow, National Institute on Drug Abuse Dr. Volkow spoke with us about why she decided to pursue this line of work, her love of the brain, and her passion for addiction policy reform.


An Extramural Program Webinar: Toward Gold Standards in Data Creation - AI Strategies to Address Data Accessibility Challenges in Biomedical Research Fecha y hora18 sept 2024 03:00 p. m.

https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_mQLK1O25TNCc0m_pH43ohg#/registration This virtual event is a unique opportunity for data scientists, researchers, technologists, and those curious about NLM funded research to delve into collaborative strategies for creating high-quality datasets, reducing expert burden through innovative data processing techniques, and fostering community engagement and collaboration. Learn from three groundbreaking NLM funded researchers, each harnessing the power of machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) to overcome significant challenges in data accessibility. Presenters will share the latest developments in these areas and stimulates discussions on how shared methodologies can be applied across domains to expand data availability for health research.

4 discoveries beyond the brain NIH research explores early signs of brain disorders

https://magazine.medlineplus.gov/article/4-discoveries-beyond-the-brain Neurodegenerative diseases—such as Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease (PD), Lewy body dementia (LBD), and amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (also known as ALS or Lou Gehrig’s disease)—affect millions of people around the world. These conditions progressively damage nerve cells in the brain and nervous system. Over time, this can lead to problems with movement, thinking, memory, and more.

Meet Walter J. Koroshetz, M.D., Director of the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke

https://magazine.medlineplus.gov/article/meet-walter-j-koroshetz-m.d-director-of-the-national-institute-of-neurological-disorders-and-stroke?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery J. Koroshetz has been fascinated by the brain and how it works from a young age. This curiosity, sparked by a chance encounter with a book on psychiatry, inspired a successful career in neurology and neuroscience. Now he leads the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS), a driving force behind brain research in the United States. Dr. Koroshetz spoke with NIH MedlinePlus Magazine about his passion

Study Identifies Previously Unknown Pain Control Pathway Underlying Placebo Effect Posted on August 29th, 2024 by Dr. Monica M. Bertagnolli

https://directorsblog.nih.gov/2024/08/29/study-identifies-previously-unknown-pain-control-pathway-underlying-placebo-effect/ When someone receives an inactive sugar pill for their pain, the expectation of benefit often leads them to experience some level of pain relief. Researchers have long known that this placebo effect is a very real phenomenon. However, the brain mechanisms underlying the placebo effect for pain have been difficult for researchers to understand. Now, findings from an intriguing NIH-supported study in mice published in Nature offer insight into how this powerful demonstration of the mind-body connection works in the brain. Furthermore, the researchers identified a previously unknown neural pathway for pain control and suggest that specifically activating this pathway in the brain by other means could one day offer a promising alternative for treating pain more safely and effectively than with current methods, including opioids.

jueves, 29 de agosto de 2024

US surgeon general advisory names parent stress an 'urgent public health issue' Nearly half of parents say their stress is 'completely overwhelming' most days Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 28, 2024 2:29pm EDT

US surgeon general advisory names parent stress an 'urgent public health issue' Nearly half of parents say their stress is 'completely overwhelming' most days Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 28, 2024 2:29pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/us-surgeon-general-advisory-names-parent-stress-urgent-public-health-issue

CDC on alert as 'Sloth fever' hits the US — a disease spread by travelers from Cuba and South America The disease is spread primarily through bites from midges and from some mosquitoes By Michael Dorgan Fox News Published August 28, 2024 5:43pm EDT

CDC on alert as 'Sloth fever' hits the US — a disease spread by travelers from Cuba and South America The disease is spread primarily through bites from midges and from some mosquitoes By Michael Dorgan Fox News Published August 28, 2024 5:43pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/cdc-alert-sloth-fever-hits-us-a-disease-spread-travelers-from-cuba-south-america

Thriving with anxiety: Expert tips on embracing the mental health condition 'Lean into it' is among the strategies offered for handling anxiety by a Harvard professor By Eve Glover Fox News Published August 29, 2024 4:30am EDT

Thriving with anxiety: Expert tips on embracing the mental health condition 'Lean into it' is among the strategies offered for handling anxiety by a Harvard professor By Eve Glover Fox News Published August 29, 2024 4:30am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/thriving-anxiety-expert-tips-embracing-mental-health-condition

Two sides to overcoming antibiotic resistance | Drug Discovery News

Two sides to overcoming antibiotic resistance | Drug Discovery News: Researchers seeking new classes of chemical compounds or pursuing alternative antibacterial approaches make their cases.

Driving a wedge into antibiotic resistance | Drug Discovery News

Driving a wedge into antibiotic resistance | Drug Discovery News: A new mechanism for inhibiting membrane proteins could pave the way for more effective antibiotics.

Mitochondrial transplants recover damaged kidneys | Drug Discovery News

Mitochondrial transplants recover damaged kidneys | Drug Discovery News: Researchers injected healthy mitochondria to acutely injured kidneys to make them viable for donation.

Velcro-like antibiotic may inform new antibiotic design | Drug Discovery News

Velcro-like antibiotic may inform new antibiotic design | Drug Discovery News: Plectasin forms dense structures on bacterial membranes by binding to unique lipids in bacterial cell walls.

A new major player in T cell suppression and tumor control | Drug Discovery News

A new major player in T cell suppression and tumor control | Drug Discovery News: An inhibitory receptor binds a checkpoint protein to thwart T cell proliferation and function.

Clickbait viral headlines claim that chemicals are sending cancer rates soaring. That’s not what the science says Andrea Love | August 26, 2024


How anti-Semitism shaped the genes of Jewish people Ricki Lewis | August 23, 2024


Glucose monitoring wearables for type 1 diabetes sufferers are a fad for athletes, and others are following. Let’s weigh the benefits—and dangers Sachin Rawat | August 28, 2024


FDA Approves Engineered Cell Therapy for Advanced Synovial Sarcoma


KRAS Inhibitors | Second Cancers | Dense Breasts, 08/28/2024


Beyond gene-edited babies: the possible paths for tinkering with human evolution CRISPR will get easier and easier to administer. What does that mean for the future of our species?


Mysterious Oropouche virus is spreading: what you should know The virus is endemic to the Amazon but is now spreading outside the region ― and has been linked to human deaths for the first time.


NEWS 27 August 2024 What accelerates brain ageing? This AI ‘brain clock’ points to answers Exposure to air pollution and living in a country with high socioeconomic inequality are linked to a bigger gap between brain age and chronological age. By Julian Nowogrodzki


Relaxation Techniques: What You Need To Know

https://www.nccih.nih.gov/health/relaxation-techniques-what-you-need-to-know?nav=govd Relaxation techniques are practices to help bring about the body’s “relaxation response,” which is characterized by slower breathing, lower blood pressure, and a reduced heart rate. The relaxation response is the opposite of the stress response. There are a variety of relaxation techniques, including progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, self-hypnosis, and breathing exercises. Relaxation techniques may be helpful for pain, anxiety, and stress. When used on their own, they don’t seem especially promising for helping people sleep. However, they are sometimes used as part of a more comprehensive form of treatment called cognitive behavioral therapy for insomnia.

Commemorating NIA’s 50 years of neuroscience curiosity August 28, 2024


Posted onAugust 28, 2024 What Is a Neurotransmitter? by Mohor Sengupta


The Lancet Cardiology Commissions: advancing cardiac care Joint session with The Lancet calendar_month 1 September from 13:45 to 15:00 place Valletta co_present Official Joint Session ecg_heart e-Cardiology/Digital Health

https://esc365.escardio.org/ESC-Congress/sessions/12137?utm_campaign=conferencealerts&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_cRhhsDNgLeLXXcC50kxQHptlHIdzZikMUgdwsNMaoUfjJ2ed5340_uCHeAoX-vWRnI_oALyLi3Dv2fJtu-QsFA___rw&_hsmi=322237161&utm_content=322237161&utm_source=hs_email We are pleased to announce our session at the upcoming European Society of Cardiology Congress 2024 in London, UK. Session co-chairs, Richard Horton, The Lancet, Silvia Giuliana Priori, University of Pavia, and Flávia Geraldes, The Lancet, are joined by Commissioners who will provide updates to and announce new Lancet Commissions dedicated to advancing cardiac care.

miércoles, 28 de agosto de 2024

Exploring AI’s impact on precision oncology


New test detects cancer risk in type 2 diabetes patients


Deep learning reveals disparities in brain aging across Latin America and the Caribbean


PET imaging and proteomics reveal distinct protein signatures in Alzheimer's disease progression


Novel biochip diagnoses deadly brain cancer in under an hour


CNRS scientists uncover activation mechanism of bemnifosbuvir


Benefits of less intensive stem cell transplants for sickle cell disease


Addressing the gender gap in substance abuse treatment


A study confirms that smoking significantly increases the risk of stroke


Unraveling the mystery of viral evolution


High ultra-processed food consumption tied to rising BMI and fat mass in young children


New study develops enhanced mortality prediction model for COPD patients


Study reveals increasing influence of non-cognitive skills on academic achievement from childhood to adolescence


Study introduces a novel approach to mapping protein-receptor interactions


New antibacterial compound shows promise for preventing periodontal disease


Healthcare workers unprepared for mpox outbreak due to knowledge gaps and vaccine inequity


Partners in Advancing Science: From Innovative Ideas to Groundbreaking Research Christina Page, Charisee Lamar, Ph.D., M.P.H., and Regina Dolan-Sewell, Ph.D., on behalf of the NIMH Division of Extramural Activities August 26, 2024 •


How psychedelic drugs alter the brain

https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-psychedelic-drugs-alter-brain At a Glance Researchers found that psilocybin temporarily disrupts a brain network involved in creating a person’s sense of self. The findings help explain the neurobiology of psychedelic experiences and give insight into harnessing the potential therapeutic effects of psychedelic drugs.

Study shows how aura may lead to migraine headache

https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/study-shows-how-aura-may-lead-migraine-headache At a Glance Researchers found that aura altered brain fluid in mice, which flowed directly into part of the peripheral nervous system that detects migraine pain. This previously unknown pathway of communication could potentially be targeted to develop new treatments for migraines with aura.

Keto diet enhances experimental cancer therapy in mice

https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/keto-diet-enhances-experimental-cancer-therapy-mice At a Glance Researchers showed how a ketogenic diet can enhance the effects of an experimental anti-cancer drug and starve pancreatic tumors in mice. The findings suggest that diet might be paired with drugs to block the growth of certain types of cancerous tumors.

Scientists find brain circuit for placebo pain relief

https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/scientists-find-brain-circuit-placebo-pain-relief At a Glance Researchers identified a brain circuit in mice that plays a previously unknown role in providing pain relief. This newly recognized pathway may point to novel approaches for treating pain.

How SARS-CoV-2 might cause dangerous inflammation in children

https://www.nih.gov/news-events/nih-research-matters/how-sars-cov-2-might-cause-dangerous-inflammation-children At a Glance Researchers found one way that SARS-CoV-2 infection can lead to a severe complication in children called MIS-C. The findings could help shed light on how MIS-C and other autoimmune diseases develop after viral infections.

martes, 27 de agosto de 2024

Childhood Pleuropulmonary Blastoma Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version


Childhood Nasopharyngeal Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version


GATA2 Deficiency Syndrome (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version


Hopes dashed for drug aimed at monkeypox virus spreading in Africa Early results from clinical trial show that the antiviral drug tecovirimat is no better than placebo against the clade I virus type. By Mariana Lenharo


The mysteries of inflammatory bowel disease are being cracked — offering hope for new therapies Advances in understanding the causes of the autoimmune disorder could aid in matching people with the right treatment. By Heidi Ledford


Ayurvedic Medicine: In Depth


Time from injury to hip-fracture surgery in low-income and middle-income regions: a secondary analysis of data from the International Orthopaedic Multicentre Study in Fracture Care (INORMUS)


Global barriers to hip-fracture care


Leadership – can you be too old? The Lancet Healthy Longevity


The effect of frailty on mortality and hospital admission in patients with benign pleural disease in Wales: a cohort study


Effect of antihypertensive deprescribing on hospitalisation and mortality: long-term follow-up of the OPTiMISE randomised controlled trial


‘Low-intensity’ blood stem cell transplants for sickle cell appear safe for lung health NIH study finds lung function remained stable or improved in adults after transplant.


Smartphone Data May Not Reliably Predict Depression Risk in Diverse Groups August 21, 2024 • Research Highlight


Viewpoint: Polygenic screening allows parents to ‘choose the very best children’ — Ethical questons abound Louise Perry | Spectator | August 26, 2024


From Sitting Bull to Beethoven: Scientists are using DNA to create geneaological maps for people with murky histories Ewen Callaway | Nature | August 27, 2024


Viewpoint: ‘Processed foods are not inherently harmful’: A nuanced discussion about their health implications Cara Harbstreet, Michelle Bridenbaker, Sarah Ballantyne | August 27, 2024


Advancing Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) September 6, 2024

https://www.fda.gov/drugs/news-events-human-drugs/advancing-treatments-post-traumatic-stress-disorder-ptsd-09062024?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery FDA Announces Open Registration for Public Meeting on Advancing Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder On September 6, 2024, FDA will partner with the Reagan-Udall Foundation to host the public meeting, “Advancing Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD),” in support of the agency’s ongoing focus on understanding medical need for PTSD treatment with the goal of facilitating treatment development. This public meeting, with both virtual and in-person attendance options, will feature a panel discussion with federal partners to explore efforts to accelerate treatment development for PTSD, including psychedelic drug development. This meeting will also provide an opportunity for people with lived PTSD experience, including veterans, family members, and patient advocates; researchers and scientists; and drug developers to provide public comment. Thirty stakeholders will have up to three minutes each to present public comment either virtually or in-person. The deadline to request to present stakeholder comments is 12 PM (ET) on September 3, 2024. Speakers will be notified by September 4. Advancing Treatments for Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Hybrid Public Meeting: In-Person and Virtual September 6, 2024 | 1-3:30pm (eastern) https://reaganudall.org/news-and-events/events/advancing-treatments-post-traumatic-stress-disorder?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

Veterans with PTSD get 'significant' benefits from service dogs, first NIH-funded study finds National Dog Day: Military vets placed with service dogs found to have 66% lower odds of PTSD diagnosis Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 26, 2024 11:30am EDT | Updated August 26, 2024 11:27am EDT

Veterans with PTSD get 'significant' benefits from service dogs, first NIH-funded study finds National Dog Day: Military vets placed with service dogs found to have 66% lower odds of PTSD diagnosis Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 26, 2024 11:30am EDT | Updated August 26, 2024 11:27am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/veterans-ptsd-significant-benefits-service-dogs-nih-funded-study

Alzheimer’s and other dementia diagnoses can vary by zip code, new study finds Certain regions may have different ‘diagnosis intensity,’ researchers say Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 26, 2024 8:41pm EDT

Alzheimer’s and other dementia diagnoses can vary by zip code, new study finds Certain regions may have different ‘diagnosis intensity,’ researchers say Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 26, 2024 8:41pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/alzheimers-dementia-diagnoses-vary-zip-code-study-finds

Most baby foods may not meet nutritional guidelines and use 'misleading claims,' study finds Convenience items such as baby food pouches were ranked least healthy, researchers say Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 27, 2024 7:55am EDT

Most baby foods may not meet nutritional guidelines and use 'misleading claims,' study finds Convenience items such as baby food pouches were ranked least healthy, researchers say Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 27, 2024 7:55am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/most-baby-foods-not-meet-nutritional-guidelines-use-misleading-claims-study-finds

Dementia advice: Here are 16 safe things to say to your loved one For those who have Alzheimer’s or other dementia, sense of safety is key, experts say Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 27, 2024 4:30am EDT

Dementia advice: Here are 16 safe things to say to your loved one For those who have Alzheimer’s or other dementia, sense of safety is key, experts say Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 27, 2024 4:30am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/dementia-advice-16-safe-things-say-loved-one

lunes, 26 de agosto de 2024

Molecular understanding and clinical aspects of tumor-associated macrophages in the immunotherapy of renal cell carcinoma


Inflammation and Regeneration: Optimization of transplantation methods using isolated mesenchymal stem/stromal cells: clinical trials of inflammatory bowel diseases as an example


Featured Article: Dysbiotic microbes and how to find them: a review of microbiome profiling in prostate cancer


Possible link between familial susceptibility to cancer and the level of oxidative stress in thyroid cancer patients


Ancestry-aligned polygenic scores combined with conventional risk factors improve prediction of cardiometabolic outcomes in African populations


The polyunsaturated fatty acid docosahexaenoic affects mitochondrial function in prostate cancer cells


Weakly-supervised deep learning models enable HER2-low prediction from H &E stained slides


It’s about time: mitigating cancer-related cognitive impairments through findings from computational models of the Wisconsin Card Sorting Task


Sex-specific cardiac remodeling in aged rats after adolescent chronic stress: associations with endocrine and metabolic factors


A novel cervical vertebral bone quality score can independently predict cage subsidence after anterior cervical corpectomy and fusion


The association between the dietary behavior, diet quality, and lifestyle scores with anthropometric indices and happiness levels among university students


Patients near death receiving specialized palliative home care being transferred to inpatient care – a registry study


Comprehensive analysis of 2097 patients with dystrophinopathy based on a database from 2011 to 2021


Visualizing the measles virus reveals a potential treatment | Drug Discovery News

Visualizing the measles virus reveals a potential treatment | Drug Discovery News: Researchers uncovered the structure of the measles fusion glycoprotein and identified a neutralizing antibody capable of decreasing its virulence.

The Bristol Myers Squibb approach to toxicology | Drug Discovery News

The Bristol Myers Squibb approach to toxicology | Drug Discovery News: Clinical trial insights refine early-stage toxicology evaluations, yielding safer medicines.

Is mpox the next COVID? Infectious disease experts address pandemic potential Some wonder whether mpox poses the risk of a COVID-like pandemic Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 25, 2024 3:38pm EDT

Is mpox the next COVID? Infectious disease experts address pandemic potential Some wonder whether mpox poses the risk of a COVID-like pandemic Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 25, 2024 3:38pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/mpox-next-covid-infectious-disease-experts-address-pandemic-potential

Celebrities like Bieber, Bialik are using hyperbaric oxygen therapy: Here’s why it’s trending Therapy said to help with anxiety, stress, inflammation and more as medical experts share cautions By Erica Lamberg Fox News Published August 26, 2024 4:15am EDT

Celebrities like Bieber, Bialik are using hyperbaric oxygen therapy: Here’s why it’s trending Therapy said to help with anxiety, stress, inflammation and more as medical experts share cautions By Erica Lamberg Fox News Published August 26, 2024 4:15am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/celebrities-bieber-bialik-hyperbaric-oxygen-therapy-why-trending

Livestream Event: Suicide Prevention in Health Care Settings Date and Time September 11, 2024 12:00–12:30 p.m. ET

https://www.nimh.nih.gov/news/events/2024/livestream-event-suicide-prevention-in-health-care-settings?utm_campaign=SPM24&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govd Suicide Prevention Month Intro & Body September is National Suicide Prevention Month – a time to remember the lives lost to suicide, acknowledge the millions more who have experienced suicidal thoughts, and the many individuals, families and communities that have been impacted by suicide. It’s also a time to raise awareness about suicide prevention and share messages of hope. https://www.samhsa.gov/newsroom/observances/suicide-prevention-month

Drug Trials Snapshots: VEOZAH (fezolinetant)

VEOZAH is a neurokinin 3 (NK3) receptor antagonist indicated for the treatment of moderate to severe vasomotor symptoms (VMS) due to menopause. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-approvals-and-databases/drug-trials-snapshots-veozah

Drug Trials Snapshots: VELSIPITY (etrasimod)

VELSIPITY is a drug that reduces the number of lymphocytes (a type of white blood cell) in the blood by binding to human sphingosine 1-phosphate receptors that is used to treat adults with moderately to severely active ulcerative colitis (UC). https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-approvals-and-databases/drug-trials-snapshots-velsipity

domingo, 25 de agosto de 2024

‘What is brain fog — and when should I seek medical attention?’: Ask a doctor While cognitive lapses are common, they can sometimes be symptoms of an underlying condition, experts say By Erica Lamberg Fox News Published August 23, 2024 1:34pm EDT

‘What is brain fog — and when should I seek medical attention?’: Ask a doctor While cognitive lapses are common, they can sometimes be symptoms of an underlying condition, experts say By Erica Lamberg Fox News Published August 23, 2024 1:34pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/what-brain-fog-when-should-seek-medical-attention-ask-doctor

West Nile Virus detected at New York beach Mosquito sample at Fire Island National Seashore tests positive for West Nile Virus By Stephen Sorace Fox News Published August 25, 2024 8:25am EDT

West Nile Virus detected at New York beach Mosquito sample at Fire Island National Seashore tests positive for West Nile Virus By Stephen Sorace Fox News Published August 25, 2024 8:25am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/us/west-nile-virus-detected-new-york-beach

Alarming increase in obesity-related cancers among young people in China


Hybrid cognitive behavioral therapy shows lasting benefits for pediatric anxiety and OCD


New method determines optimal timing for cancer treatment based on circadian rhythm


Study reveals metabolic switch crucial for memory T cell formation and cancer immunity


Pharmacy deserts disproportionately affect vulnerable communities across the U.S.


COVID-19 origins: plain speaking is overdue The Lancet Microbe


The Lancet Microbe in conversation with Laurence Armand-Lefevre and Luc Samison on surveillance of antimicrobial resistant Escherichia coli in humans, chickens, and the environment in Madagascar


Effect of human H3N2 influenza virus reassortment on influenza incidence and severity during the 2017–18 influenza season in the USA: a retrospective observational genomic analysis


Immune responses associated with mpox viral clearance in men with and without HIV in Spain: a multisite, observational, prospective cohort study


Assessment of the reversibility of resistance in the absence of antibiotics and its relationship with the resistance gene's fitness cost: a genetic study with mcr-1


Brain wiring is guided by activity even in very early development


New UH Study Targets Early Signs of Vision Loss in Diabetic Patients


Treatment modalities of marginal zone lymphoma and overall survival, haematological response, and underlying Sjögren's disease activity: a multicentre, retrospective, observational study


eClinicalMedicine in conversation with Riccardo De Giorgi on semaglutide and neurological and psychiatric outcomes


The Lancet Psychiatry Commission on youth mental health Published: August 13, 2024

https://www.thelancet.com/commissions/youth-mental-health?dgcid=hubspot_email_infocusalerts-psychiatry_feature_lanpsyyouthmh24&utm_campaign=infocusalerts-psychiatry&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-_sYr_-_QNrjaRpDa3bMIJ7gCSBhMPgDRpDx-6LvjdykNJ1Y04RnE-POFER287CYR7kivpz7Mwlf3_Anl-cXOB6wpUpsQ&_hsmi=321538389&utm_content=320667465&utm_source=hs_email Evidence suggests that in many countries, the mental health of young people has been declining over the past two decades, signalling a warning that global megatrends and changes in many societies are increasing mental ill health. Mental illnesses have their peak onset at age 15 years, and early intervention is crucial. The developing field of youth mental health focuses on individuals aged 12–25 years, viewing this period of emerging adulthood as more useful than dividing care at age 18 years. Mental health care for young people must be sensitive to this age group’s specific biological, cognitive, social, and cultural changes. This Commission considers the principles, core features, and strategies for designing, testing, and scaling up new models of youth mental health care, as well as promotion of mental health and prevention of ill health. It assesses the economic and political imperatives behind reforms in promotion, prevention, and care.

sábado, 24 de agosto de 2024

A Path to Reduce the Number of Pre-Emptive Mastectomies – In-Depth Doctor’s Interview By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on July 22, 2024


Emily Says Ketamine Changed Her Life! – In-Depth Doctor’s Interview By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on July 15, 2024


Jim’s Lifeline: Breakthrough Implant for Heart Failure – In-Depth Doctor’s Interview By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on July 15, 2024


Emmitt’s Story: From A Head Cold to A Rare Heart Condition – In-Depth Doctor’s Interview By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on July 15, 2024



Diabetes: Warning Signs of a “Silent Killer” By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on August 15, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/family-health/diabetes-warning-signs-of-a-silent-killer/


Tracking TBI: Neuromonitoring for Brain Injuries By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on August 21, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/medical-breakthroughs/tracking-tbi-neuromonitoring-for-brain-injuries/


Metabolomics: Learning from Elite Athletes By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on August 23, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/medical-breakthroughs/metabolomics-learning-from-elite-athletes/


Cancer Risk in Young Adults: A Growing Concern By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on August 31, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=33987&preview=1&_ppp=bacfe58559


Omalizumab: Turning Food Allergies into Non-Events By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on August 30, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=34006&preview=1&_ppp=8afe9bab6b


Long Term Relief for Dystonia Sufferers By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on August 29, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=34002&preview=1&_ppp=4bc4271376


New Minimally Invasive Surgery: The Nano Experience By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on August 28, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=33999&preview=1&_ppp=8e1a72e16c


Histotripsy: Liquifying Liver Tumors By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on August 27, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=33996&preview=1&_ppp=0cc8a590fa


Tastes so Good! Swallowing after Stroke By Ivanhoe Broadcast News on August 26, 2024 https://www.ivanhoe.com/?p=33993&preview=1&_ppp=6bc2c3040b

The genetics of Parkinson's disease: unlocking personalised treatments Tuesday, October 22, 2024 2:00 PM British Summer Time 1 hour, 30 minutes


Global launch of The Lancet Regional Health – Southeast Asia and The Lancet Global Health Series on Primary Health Care in South Asia Tuesday, October 01, 2024 2:00 PM British Summer Time 1 hour, 30 minutes


The Lancet Voice Developments in our understanding of dementia


Treatment modalities of marginal zone lymphoma and overall survival, haematological response, and underlying Sjögren's disease activity: a multicentre, retrospective, observational study


Dementia prevention, intervention, and care 2024

https://www.thelancet.com/commissions/dementia-prevention-intervention-care?dgcid=hubspot_email_infocusalerts-neurology_feature_lancetdementia24&utm_campaign=infocusalerts-neurology&utm_medium=email&_hsenc=p2ANqtz-8_Htp4x0bJLjRiWKMnz3fB49xvEFSdb2teNMpiwwG20PyIEuVt_pBJmCT6mVqYVCfw68RhOfSQyZPKmZjH-ptl3_Uidg&_hsmi=321449287&utm_content=320667227&utm_source=hs_email As life expectancies increase, the number of people living with dementia worldwide continues to rise. The 2024 report of the Lancet Commission on dementia prevention, intervention, and care adds compelling new evidence that untreated vision loss and high LDL cholesterol are risk factors for dementia. Overall, around 45% of cases of dementia are potentially preventable by addressing 14 modifiable risk factors at different stages during the life course. The 2024 Commission update also provides updates on advances in fluid biomarkers for detection of Alzheimer’s disease, new definitions for diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease, as well as progress on disease-modifying treatments.

viernes, 23 de agosto de 2024

‘My life was full of people telling me you can’t do this’: First sickle cell CRISPR gene therapy already rescuing lives Molly Coddington | Technology Networks | August 21, 2024

‘My life was full of people telling me you can’t do this’: First sickle cell CRISPR gene therapy already rescuing lives Molly Coddington | Technology Networks | August 21, 2024 https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2024/08/21/my-life-was-full-of-people-telling-me-you-cant-do-this-first-sickle-cell-crispr-gene-therapy-already-rescuing-lives/?mc_cid=171b29d358&mc_eid=b73600b7ac

‘Addictively dependent’ on an AI girlfriend? Scientists and ethicists fear artificial intelligence may undermine human romantic connections Pat Pataranutaporn, Robert Mahari | MIT Technology Review | August 22, 2024

https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2024/08/22/addictively-dependent-on-an-ai-girlfriend-scientists-and-ethicists-fear-artificial-intelligence-may-undermine-human-romantic-connections/?mc_cid=171b29d358&mc_eid=b73600b7ac Fool me once: What is ‘genomic surveillance’ and how might it help predict the next global pandemic? Ricki Lewis | August 21, 2024 https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2024/08/21/fool-me-once-what-is-genomic-surveillance-and-how-might-it-help-predict-the-next-global-pandemic/?mc_cid=171b29d358&mc_eid=b73600b7ac Here’s how crop technology can play a key role in addressing climate change consequences Val Giddings | August 22, 2024 https://geneticliteracyproject.org/2024/08/22/heres-how-crop-technology-can-play-a-key-role-in-addressing-climate-change-consequences/?mc_cid=171b29d358&mc_eid=b73600b7ac

RADx® Tech ACT ENDO Challenge Informational Webinar Please register for the RADx Tech ACT ENDO Informational webinar taking place on August, 28, 2024 at 11AM ET.

https://lp.constantcontactpages.com/sl/hzRmsK7/actendo Challenge seeks new technologies and broader accessibility to improve women’s health Monday, August 12, 2024 https://www.nichd.nih.gov/newsroom/news/081224-RADxTech-ACT-ENDO RADx® Tech ACT ENDO Challenge Accelerating the development of innovative technologies for diagnosis of endometriosis. https://www.challenge.gov/?challenge=radx-tech-act-endo

Childhood Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP) Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version +++++

Childhood Cancer of Unknown Primary (CUP) Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version https://www.cancer.gov/types/unknown-primary/hp/child-unknown-primary-treatment-pdq?cid=eb_govdel#top Childhood Esophageal Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version https://www.cancer.gov/types/esophageal/hp/child-esophageal-treatment-pdq?cid=eb_govdel#top Childhood Intraocular (Uveal) Melanoma Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version https://www.cancer.gov/types/eye/hp/child-intraocular-melanoma-treatment-pdq?cid=eb_govdel#top Childhood Pancreatic Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version https://www.cancer.gov/types/pancreatic/hp/child-pancreatic-treatment-pdq?cid=eb_govdel#top Childhood Tracheobronchial Tumors Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version https://www.cancer.gov/types/lung/hp/child-tracheobronchial-treatment-pdq?cid=eb_govdel#top

GATA2 Deficiency Syndrome (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version // Genetics of Hereditary Hematologic Malignancies (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version

GATA2 Deficiency Syndrome (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version Germline loss-of-function variants in the master hematopoietic transcription factor, GATA2, can cause cellular deficiencies that have a high propensity to develop into myeloid malignancies. Initial reports identified GATA2 deficiency in cohorts of patients with the following conditions: https://www.cancer.gov/publications/pdq/information-summaries/genetics/gata2?cid=eb_govdel#top Genetics of Hereditary Hematologic Malignancies (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version https://www.cancer.gov/publications/pdq/information-summaries/genetics/hereditary-hematologic-malignancies?cid=eb_govdel#top

Salivary Gland Cancer Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version


Pancreatic Neuroendocrine Tumors (Islet Cell Tumors) Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version


Mycosis Fungoides and Other Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphomas Treatment (PDQ®)–Health Professional Version


Soy: Science and Safety


Understanding the Real Progress Driven by Artificial Intelligence Director’s Page Helene M. Langevin, M.D. August 19, 2024


WRIISC Advantage Newsletter Summer 2024

https://www.warrelatedillness.va.gov/WARRELATEDILLNESS/education/newsletter/WRIISC-newsletter-Summer-2024.pdf Chronic Multisymptom Illness Treatment The Power of the Mind- Your Future Self Enhancing Health- Military Environmental Exposures Veteran Class: Agent Orange: What you need to know Join VA’s virtual class, Agent Orange: What You Need to Know, and learn about Agent Orange exposure, related health conditions, benefits, and information for Blue Water Navy Veterans. This free class takes place on Thursday, September 26, from 1:30 p.m. – 3:00 p.m. ET. You can attend through your personal computer, smart phone, or tablet. https://www.warrelatedillness.va.gov/WARRELATEDILLNESS/education/local-offerings/support/Agent_Orange_flyer.pdf

Man's panic attack during live news broadcast spotlights anxiety disorder Experts share how to handle and prevent the mental health condition By Amy McGorry Fox News Published August 22, 2024 9:11pm EDT

Man's panic attack during live news broadcast spotlights anxiety disorder Experts share how to handle and prevent the mental health condition By Amy McGorry Fox News Published August 22, 2024 9:11pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/panic-attack-during-live-news-broadcast-spotlights-anxiety-disorder

Diet crisis in America: Celebrity fitness trainer and mom touts 'no rules' nutrition plan Founder of Sculpt Society has 'joyful' relationship with food and fitness, yet a nutritionist urges caution Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 23, 2024 4:15am EDT

Diet crisis in America: Celebrity fitness trainer and mom touts 'no rules' nutrition plan Founder of Sculpt Society has 'joyful' relationship with food and fitness, yet a nutritionist urges caution Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 23, 2024 4:15am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/diet-crisis-america-celebrity-fitness-trainer-mom-nutrition-plan

Warfighter Brain Health for Leaders Training Video


DOD Blast Summit Brings Together Public Health, Safety Experts to Address Blast Overpressure Concerns By Douglas Holl, Defense Health Agency-Public Health Public AffairsAugust 21, 2024

https://www.army.mil/article/279051/dod_blast_summit_brings_together_public_health_safety_experts_to_address_blast_overpressure_concerns?utm_medium=govdelivery&utm_source=email Warfighter Brain Health Hub In June 2022, the Department of Defense launched the Warfighter Brain Health Initiative to bring together the operational and medical communities in a more unified approach toward optimizing service member brain health and countering traumatic brain injuries. https://www.health.mil/Military-Health-Topics/Warfighter-Brain-Health?utm_medium=govdelivery&utm_source=email Empowering Recovery: The Role of Cognitive Strategies in Rehabilitation from Traumatic Brain Injury https://www.dvidshub.net/news/474688/empowering-recovery-role-cognitive-strategies-rehabilitation-traumatic-brain-injury?utm_medium=govdelivery&utm_source=email USAMRDC connects with brain health innovators through Medical Technology Enterprise Consortium By Paul Lagasse, USAMRDC Public Affairs OfficeJuly 15, 2024 https://www.army.mil/article/278032/usamrdc_connects_with_brain_health_innovators_through_medical_technology_enterprise_consortium?utm_medium=govdelivery&utm_source=email

Drug Trials Snapshots: PIASKY (crovalimab-akkz)

PIASKY is a prescription drug that is a complement C5 inhibitor used to treat adult and pediatric patients 13 years and older with a disease called paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) and body weight of at least 40 kg. PNH is a serious, life-threatening disease which is characterized by destruction of red blood cells (hemolysis), blood clots (thrombosis), and bone marrow dysfunction due to the overactivation of the complement system, a part of the body’s immune system. https://www.fda.gov/drugs/drug-approvals-and-databases/drug-trials-snapshots-piasky

jueves, 22 de agosto de 2024

NIH-funded study finds long COVID affects adolescents differently than younger children Adolescents were most likely to experience low energy/tiredness while children were most likely to report headache.


To Combat Cancer Treatment Resistance, Researchers Try Leveraging Evolution


Press Reset on Stress

https://files.nccih.nih.gov/press-reset-on-stress-flyer.pdf?nav=govd Long-term or chronic stress has a negative impact on every organ system in your body. It can contribute to or worsen a range of health problems. Fortunately, there are simple tools that can counteract stress by helping your body produce its natural relaxation response—the opposite of the stress response. Download our flyer “Press Reset on Stress” to find out about easy-to-learn techniques, including deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, and a simple mindfulness exercise, that can help you reduce the impact of stress anywhere, at any time.

The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology in conversation with Arndt Vogel on the NALIRICC trial of nanoliposomal irinotecan in pretreated advanced biliary tract cancer


An artificial intelligence-assisted system versus white light endoscopy alone for adenoma detection in individuals with Lynch syndrome (TIMELY): an international, multicentre, randomised controlled trial


Portal vein thrombosis: diagnosis, management, and endpoints for future clinical studies


Global progress towards alcohol harm reduction insufficient The Lancet Gastroenterology & Hepatology


Effect of mesenteric sparing or extended resection in primary ileocolic resection for Crohn's disease on postoperative endoscopic recurrence (SPICY): an international, randomised controlled trial


Quantifying urban park use in the USA at scale: empirical estimates of realised park usage using smartphone location data


Confronting heat-related illnesses and deaths at mass gathering religious and sporting events The Lancet Planetary Health


The association of adverse birth outcomes with flood exposure before and during pregnancy in Australia: a cohort study


The chronic hiccup chronicles | Drug Discovery News

The chronic hiccup chronicles | Drug Discovery News: Researchers and patients developed unexpected and innovative solutions to a mysterious disease that appears to cause only a single symptom.

A new pathway to cell death | Drug Discovery News

A new pathway to cell death | Drug Discovery News: Cancer cells with mutated p53 undergo apoptosis by stalling ribosomes at rare leucine codons, inhibiting protein translation.

Delivering larger genes in gene therapy | Drug Discovery News

Delivering larger genes in gene therapy | Drug Discovery News: A new method called “REVeRT” expands the capabilities of gene delivery platforms by transporting larger genes than previously possible.  

Prebiotic gel relieves food allergies by altering gut microbes | Drug Discovery News

Prebiotic gel relieves food allergies by altering gut microbes | Drug Discovery News: Fiber found in bananas and garlic suppressed allergic reactions in mice.

Doctors can stop severe bleeding ‘in seconds’ with newly approved trauma product The FDA has approved TRAUMAGEL, designed to stop blood loss from gunshots, stabbings and other trauma Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 20, 2024 7:18pm EDT

Doctors can stop severe bleeding ‘in seconds’ with newly approved trauma product The FDA has approved TRAUMAGEL, designed to stop blood loss from gunshots, stabbings and other trauma Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 20, 2024 7:18pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/doctors-can-stop-severe-bleeding-in-seconds-with-newly-approved-trauma-product

6 'healthy eating concepts' are evaluated as true or false by nutrition experts Researchers reveal the truth about the Mediterranean diet, plant-based foods and more Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 21, 2024 9:15am EDT

6 'healthy eating concepts' are evaluated as true or false by nutrition experts Researchers reveal the truth about the Mediterranean diet, plant-based foods and more Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 21, 2024 9:15am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/6-healthy-eating-concepts-evaluated-true-false-nutrition-experts

What NOT to say to dementia patients, plus migraine tips and nutrition trends And more of the top Fox News Health stories and videos from the past week By Fox News Staff Fox News Published August 21, 2024 5:36pm EDT

What NOT to say to dementia patients, plus migraine tips and nutrition trends And more of the top Fox News Health stories and videos from the past week By Fox News Staff Fox News Published August 21, 2024 5:36pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/what-not-say-dementia-patients-migraine-tips-nutrition-trends

Salmonella outbreak caused by tiny turtles, CDC warns, with cases across 21 states Most of the infected people were children, who are at higher risk Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 21, 2024 5:58pm EDT

Salmonella outbreak caused by tiny turtles, CDC warns, with cases across 21 states Most of the infected people were children, who are at higher risk Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 21, 2024 5:58pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/salmonella-outbreak-caused-tiny-turtles-cdc-warns-cases-21-states

The health benefits of matcha, packed with antioxidants, may be worth incorporating into your diet Matcha is often enjoyed in beverage form, but it can also be incorporated into other healthy dishes By Ashlyn Messier Fox News Published August 20, 2024 10:21am EDT

The health benefits of matcha, packed with antioxidants, may be worth incorporating into your diet Matcha is often enjoyed in beverage form, but it can also be incorporated into other healthy dishes By Ashlyn Messier Fox News Published August 20, 2024 10:21am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/health-benefits-matcha

Ozempic push for seniors? Some doctors say more people age 65 and over should be on it When combined with lifestyle changes, these medications can help ensure healthier aging, doctors say Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 22, 2024 4:30am EDT

Ozempic push for seniors? Some doctors say more people age 65 and over should be on it When combined with lifestyle changes, these medications can help ensure healthier aging, doctors say Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 22, 2024 4:30am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/ozempic-push-seniors-doctors-say-more-people-age-65-should

miércoles, 21 de agosto de 2024

The role of the gut microbiota in multiple sclerosis: A scientometric analysis reveals key research trends


Survey shows Americans support AI in healthcare despite privacy concerns


Global and Local Efforts to Take Action Against Hepatitis


Can Chemo Help KRAS Inhibitors Work Better Against Pancreatic Cancer?


Dementia warning: Don't ever say these 16 things to loved ones with the disease, experts advise Alzheimer’s and dementia experts provide specific examples of harmful or hurtful phrases Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 21, 2024 4:30am EDT

Dementia warning: Don't ever say these 16 things to loved ones with the disease, experts advise Alzheimer’s and dementia experts provide specific examples of harmful or hurtful phrases Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 21, 2024 4:30am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/dementia-warning-dont-say-16-things-loved-ones-disease-experts-advise

Essential Tremor: Evolving Innovations in Treatment


Stratifying Risk: Reducing Recurrence in Early Breast Cancer


Do New Blood Tests for Cancer Meet the Right Standards? Nadine Eckert August 20, 2024


Neoadjuvant Immunotherapy Shows Promise for High-Risk HCC Edited by Patricia McKnight August 20, 2024


Few Severe Toxicities After SBRT in Oligometastatic Cancer Edited by Gargi Mukherjee August 19, 2024


Do Nonstatin Lipid-Lowering Drugs Lower Liver Cancer Risk? Megan Brooks August 20, 2024


Hydroxyurea's Impact on Ovarian Reserve in Sickle Cell Disease Edited by Lora McGlade August 20, 2024


FDA OKs First-Line Lazertinib With Amivantamab for NSCLC Megan Brooks August 20, 2024


SBRT vs Surgery in CRC Lung Metastases: Which Is Better? Edited by Gargi Mukherjee August 21, 2024


Clinical Controversy: Watch-and-Wait or Surgery in Rectal Cancer Near Complete Responders? M. Alexander Otto, PA, MMS August 20, 2024


martes, 20 de agosto de 2024

Putting the power of lab-based diagnostic testing in the palm of your hand

Putting the power of lab-based diagnostic testing in the palm of your hand: Due to its high accuracy, lab-based PCR testing is the gold standard for infectious disease diagnostics. Yet PCR's availability is limited, especially in low-resource settings. New research suggests a new kind of test could be more streamlined without sacrificing performance.

Updated COVID-19 Vaccines for Use in the United States Beginning in Fall 2024


Vaccines Protect Children From Harmful Infectious Diseases

https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/vaccines-protect-children-harmful-infectious-diseases Infectious diseases that used to be common in children in the U.S. – including measles, polio, diphtheria, rubella (German measles) and chickenpox – are preventable with vaccines approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Vaccines can prevent contagious diseases that once killed or harmed many infants, children and adults. The FDA ensures that the vaccines we approve or authorize for emergency use in the U.S. meet our safety and effectiveness standards, as well as standards for quality.

Facts about COVID-19

https://www.fda.gov/news-events/rumor-control/facts-about-covid-19 Fact: Information about ingredients in the COVID-19 vaccines is available on public websites. FDA-approved and authorized COVID-19 vaccines do not contain microchips, pesticides, or any type of metal More Information: Information about the ingredients in FDA-approved and authorized vaccines COVID-19 vaccines is publicly available. For the vaccines that are authorized for emergency use (referred to as emergency use authorization or EUA), the ingredients are included in the Fact Sheet for Healthcare Providers and also the Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers under the question "What are the ingredients in this vaccine?”: Moderna COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers (PDF) Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine, Adjuvanted Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers (PDF) Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine Fact Sheet for Recipients and Caregivers (PDF) For the FDA-approved COVID-19 vaccines, the ingredients are included in the Prescribing Information for healthcare providers and in the Information for Recipients and Caregivers for vaccine recipients. Vaccine recipients would find this information under the question, “What are the ingredients in this vaccine?”: Spikevax (COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA) – see the Prescribing Information and Information for Recipients and Caregivers Comirnaty (COVID-19 vaccine, mRNA) – see the Prescribing Information and Information for Recipients and Caregivers Bottom Line: As with all FDA-approved vaccines, all of the FDA-approved and authorized COVID-19 vaccines contain ingredients needed to ensure their safety and effectiveness and help protect you from serious outcomes of COVID-19, including hospitalization and death. None of the COVID-19 vaccines contain microchips, pesticides or metals.

Vaccines for Children - A Guide for Parents and Caregivers


FDA approves lazertinib with amivantamab-vmjw for non-small lung cancer


Erdheim-Chester Disease: Diagnosis and Treatment Options +++++

https://checkrare.com/erdheim-chester-disease-diagnosis-and-treatment-options/ Clinical Trial of Novel Octreotide Formulation for the Treatment of Acromegaly https://checkrare.com/clinical-trial-of-novel-octreotide-formulation-for-the-treatment-of-acromegaly/ Post Hoc Analysis of Levoketoconazole in Patients With Cushing’s Syndrome https://checkrare.com/post-hoc-analysis-of-levoketoconazole-in-patients-with-cushings-syndrome/ Overview of Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis (LCH) https://checkrare.com/overview-of-langerhans-cell-histiocytosis-lch/ Clinical Trials Testing Osilodrostat for the Treatment of Cushing’s Disease https://checkrare.com/clinical-trials-testing-osilodrostat-for-the-treatment-of-cushings-disease/

Sexually Transmitted Infections in Women – OWH Speaker Series

Spotlight on Syphilis and Congenital Syphilis Knowledge and News on Women’s Health (KNOWH) blog from FDA Office of Women’s Health

https://www.fda.gov/consumers/knowledge-and-news-women-owh-blog/spotlight-syphilis-and-congenital-syphilis?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery FDA Marketing Authorization Enables Increased Access to First Step of Syphilis Diagnosis First Home Antibody Test Can Inform Patients of Current or Past Infection and Lead to Confirmatory Testing with Health Care Provider https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/fda-marketing-authorization-enables-increased-access-first-step-syphilis-diagnosis?utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

7 reasons to fear Kamala Harris' radical 'Medicare-for-all' schemes Kamala Harris' radical ideas would put the government in charge of health care instead of doctors Bobby Jindal By Bobby Jindal , Hannah Anderson Fox News Published August 20, 2024 7:00am EDT

7 reasons to fear Kamala Harris' radical 'Medicare-for-all' schemes Kamala Harris' radical ideas would put the government in charge of health care instead of doctors Bobby Jindal By Bobby Jindal , Hannah Anderson Fox News Published August 20, 2024 7:00am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/opinion/7-reasons-fear-kamala-harris-radical-medicare-for-all-schemes

With Mpox a public health emergency in Africa, what you must know about increased virus risk Overall cases are up 160%; deaths up by 19% compared to last year, Africa CDC confirms — what to know Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 16, 2024 12:50pm EDT

With Mpox a public health emergency in Africa, what you must know about increased virus risk Overall cases are up 160%; deaths up by 19% compared to last year, Africa CDC confirms — what to know Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 16, 2024 12:50pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/mpox-public-health-emergency-africa-know-virus-risk

High blood pressure and Alzheimer’s disease could go hand in hand, study finds Some patients showed a 42% greater risk of dementia compared to those taking blood pressure medication Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 17, 2024 5:12pm EDT

High blood pressure and Alzheimer’s disease could go hand in hand, study finds Some patients showed a 42% greater risk of dementia compared to those taking blood pressure medication Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 17, 2024 5:12pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/high-blood-pressure-alzheimers-disease-could-go-hand-hand-study-finds

Gender surgeries, migraine tips, 'Zika-like' virus and more top health stories Catch up on 8 key health developments in top stories of the week By Fox News Staff Fox News Published August 18, 2024 6:00am EDT

Gender surgeries, migraine tips, 'Zika-like' virus and more top health stories Catch up on 8 key health developments in top stories of the week By Fox News Staff Fox News Published August 18, 2024 6:00am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/gender-surgeries-migraine-tips-zika-like-virus-top-health-stories

Blood banks searching for Type O blood amid emergency shortage: 'We always have a need' There is a specific need for Type O blood, a universal blood type By Sunny Tsai Fox News Published August 18, 2024 5:14pm EDT

Blood banks searching for Type O blood amid emergency shortage: 'We always have a need' There is a specific need for Type O blood, a universal blood type By Sunny Tsai Fox News Published August 18, 2024 5:14pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/blood-banks-searching-type-o-blood-amid-emergency-shortage-always-have-need

Patient sues Emory Hospital in Atlanta after it allegedly lost part of his skull Fernando Cluster allegedly incurred $146,000 in medical expenses because of the error Landon Mion By Landon Mion Fox News Published August 19, 2024 3:55am EDT

Patient sues Emory Hospital in Atlanta after it allegedly lost part of his skull Fernando Cluster allegedly incurred $146,000 in medical expenses because of the error Landon Mion By Landon Mion Fox News Published August 19, 2024 3:55am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/patient-sues-emory-hospital-atlanta-after-allegedly-lost-part-his-skull

Dementia has 2 shocking new risk factors, study finds, with total of 14 now on list Alzheimer's likelihood increases with vision loss and high cholesterol levels Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 19, 2024 4:30am EDT

Dementia has 2 shocking new risk factors, study finds, with total of 14 now on list Alzheimer's likelihood increases with vision loss and high cholesterol levels Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 19, 2024 4:30am EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/dementia-2-shocking-new-risk-factors-study-finds-total-14-list

No cardiologists available in half of US counties as study reveals ‘incredibly concerning’ care gaps In counties without a cardiologist, patients have to travel an average of 87.1 miles to get care Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 19, 2024 4:54pm EDT

No cardiologists available in half of US counties as study reveals ‘incredibly concerning’ care gaps In counties without a cardiologist, patients have to travel an average of 87.1 miles to get care Melissa Rudy By Melissa Rudy Fox News Published August 19, 2024 4:54pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/no-cardiologists-available-half-us-counties-study-reveals-incredibly-concerning-care-gaps

First at-home syphilis antibody test gets FDA authorization as STD cases spike in US Syphilis cases rose 80% in US between 2018 and 2022, said the CDC Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 19, 2024 6:50pm EDT

First at-home syphilis antibody test gets FDA authorization as STD cases spike in US Syphilis cases rose 80% in US between 2018 and 2022, said the CDC Angelica Stabile By Angelica Stabile Fox News Published August 19, 2024 6:50pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/health/first-at-home-syphilis-antibody-test-gets-fda-authorization-std-cases-spike

To stop the hiccups, reach for these common fruits, one doctor suggests on TikTok The cure for hiccups could be in your kitchen, a cardiologist says By Brittany Kasko Fox News Published August 19, 2024 9:08pm EDT

To stop the hiccups, reach for these common fruits, one doctor suggests on TikTok The cure for hiccups could be in your kitchen, a cardiologist says By Brittany Kasko Fox News Published August 19, 2024 9:08pm EDT https://www.foxnews.com/lifestyle/stop-hiccups-reach-common-fruits-one-doctor-suggests-tiktok