sábado, 1 de noviembre de 2014

Information for Health Care Workers | Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever | CDC

Information for Health Care Workers | Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever | CDC

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CDC Releases Two New Clinical Resources in the Fight Against Ebola – PPE Demonstration Video, Ebola Clinical Slide Set
To help inform U.S. healthcare workers in the fight against Ebola, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has released two new resources, which are now available at http://www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/hcp/index.html.

Donning and Doffing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)

In partnership with Medscape, CDC has released a new video titledEbola: Donning and Doffing of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) that offers step-by-step demonstration on how to put on and take off PPE properly in order to protect those providing care for patients with suspected or confirmed Ebola virus diseaseThis video is based on CDC Guidance on Personal Protective Equipment To Be Used by Healthcare Workers During Management of Patients with Ebola Virus Disease in U.S. Hospitals, Including Procedures for Putting On (Donning) and Removing (Doffing), as of October 20, 2014.  It can be found athttp://www.medscape.com/viewarticle/833907 and features CDC’s Dr. Arjun Srinivasan and Dr. Bryan Christensen.

Additionally, CDC has released a new Ebola clinical slide set for clinicians to use for Grand Rounds and other clinical presentations.
Other helpful Ebola-related resources include:

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